Seanad debates

Wednesday, 23 October 2024

An tOrd Gnó - Order of Business


10:30 am

Photo of Malcolm ByrneMalcolm Byrne (Fianna Fail) | Oireachtas source

I echo Senator Cassells's comments about the immigrant investor programme. I know of one particular project that is held up and the decision of the then acting Minister for Justice, Deputy Harris, to simply slam the gate shut on this programme was wrong.

I raise the importance of local radio today and, in particular, as we approach a general election, we need to ensure we have trusted media sources at local level. This applies to our local newspapers, but also to local and community radio. Indeed, this month, South East Radio is celebrating its 35th birthday. I am sure Members will join with me in congratulating it on its work.It is critical that we have a vibrant local radio system in the State. It is vital to our democracy. We need to commend them for all their work and for the reporting they will carry out over the weeks ahead, and indeed their coverage of all elections.

With that in mind it might be appropriate for this House to remember one of the giants of local radio, Michael Reade, a broadcaster with LMFM radio. I was certainly interviewed by him, as were many Members from this House. Mr. Reade had struggled with illness for a while and he has sadly passed away. It is appropriate to recognise his contribution not just to LMFM but to local radio and to broadcasting more generally.

The Leader will be aware that I too have raised quite frequently in this House issues around cybersecurity. It is very important. I welcome that there is a recognition the Government takes this matter seriously. I would also share the concerns around being very aware of the need to invest in space and to understand space. I would say to cosmonaut Craughwell to boldly go into space and continue to raise these issues. It is something that we need to continue to pursue.


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