Seanad debates
Monday, 15 July 2024
Planning and Development Bill 2023: Committee Stage
12:00 pm
Alice-Mary Higgins (Independent) | Oireachtas source
I move amendment No. 12:
In page 42, between lines 23 and 24, to insert the following: “(4) (a) The relevant Minister shall—(i) establish a list of prescribed bodies for the purposes of consultation on regulations and other matters under this Act under their jurisdiction, and(b) The list prescribed under paragraph (a)(i), shall include organisations engaged in environmental protection, protection of built heritage, archaeological, historic or cultural heritage, and shall include independent organisations.”.
(ii) before making regulations under this Act, consult with the existing set of prescribed bodies that are connected with or relate to the matters to which any proposed regulations the relevant Minister is preparing, and provide them with an effective opportunity to participate and comment on the proposed regulations, and take due account of the consultation input.
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