Seanad debates

Wednesday, 29 May 2024

An tOrd Gnó - Order of Business


10:30 am

Photo of Gerard CraughwellGerard Craughwell (Independent) | Oireachtas source

Currently, there is a debate going on in the other House on the triple lock. Somehow or other, the triple lock has got tied in to neutrality. We will have a debate in this House, I assume, at some stage in the near future, on the triple lock. It is particularly embarrassing as I move around diplomatic circles in Dublin that people are telling me that elected Members of Parliament in this country do not understand neutrality, do not understand what the international law requirements of neutrality are, are mixing up neutrality, defence and overseas development aid, see Ireland boxing above its weight and how our neutrality is such a great thing to bring to countries that are in crisis. We serve overseas with countries such as Poland in UN roles. Poland is a member of NATO. Most people - the Acting Leader should talk to Defence Force people if he does not believe me - will tell you that when they go overseas, the Lebanon knows where Ireland is because we are there so long but, generally speaking, when we go overseas to strange countries nobody has a clue where Ireland is. They have no idea in the world who or what Ireland is.

My plea today relates to when we bring a debate on neutrality into this House. First and foremost, the Tánaiste promised at the defence committee to provide a brief for Members of the Oireachtas on what neutrality is. I sincerely hope we will not get a Paddy-neutrality brief. I hope we will get a neutrality brief based on international law. The triple lock is a ridiculous constraint on our country when it comes to a need to get people overseas quickly as we are restricted to 12, which is nonsense in this modern day and age. The triple lock, we all know, was brought in to sell a European vote some years ago and I would ask Senators to educate themselves before they start to speak on this.


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