Seanad debates

Wednesday, 22 May 2024

Nithe i dtosach suíonna - Commencement Matters

Postal Services

10:30 am

Photo of Michael McDowellMichael McDowell (Independent) | Oireachtas source

I looked very carefully the text of the Minister of State's speech, which states that Rathmines post office is being converted from An Post-operated to contractor-operated, but the question I asked is about whether the building is going to be closed. I also asked, to use the phrase that was used by An Post, if another premises will be opened, which will be "a bright, modern purpose-fitted office nearby". Is that is in contemplation - yes or no? The Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications told a public meeting that was hosted by the Green Party that the post office service would be delivered in the same building. The reply I have been given today suggests that a contractor service will be delivered in Rathmines, but I want to know very clearly whether it is proposed to close the Rathmines post office building as a post office and relocate its service to somewhere else in the Rathmines area, whether that is nearby or otherwise.


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