Seanad debates

Wednesday, 11 October 2023

An tOrd Gnó - Order of Business


10:30 am

Photo of Seán KyneSeán Kyne (Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

I acknowledge the very emotional testimony of Senator Black. If we are to have a minute's silence we need to have a minute's silence for all who have died and been killed in conflict in recent days. We have to acknowledge this.

I know it is not traditional for Ministers to come to the House to speak about their departmental budgets but if they are agreeable it is something that would be positive. It would allow Members to speak about their specific departmental areas and to question Ministers.

I have come from a meeting of the health committee on child and adult mental health services, CAMHS, which we know are very important. There are 75 CAMHS teams throughout the country. The testimony today from the HSE is that only CHO 9 has fully staffed CAMHS teams. There are also issues regarding the transition from CAMHS services to adult services when someone reaches the age of 18. The view was expressed that there should be a longer lead-in time and greater collaboration between CAMHS and adult mental health services to allow people aged up to the age of 25 to be treated and seen by CAMHS. I would like to have a debate on this.

We have seen the reports on CAMHS in south Kerry, which came about because of a whistleblower. There is a need to enhance governance and have better leadership of CAMHS teams and to make changes to the Mental Health Act to allow the Mental Health Commission to have a regulatory role in CAMHS services. This is very important. I acknowledge the great work done by individual members of CAMHS teams. Often they are overworked and do not have the full complement of staff. There is also a need for greater collaboration between adjoining CAMHS teams that are down members, perhaps a psychologist or psychiatrist. I call for a debate on CAMHS.

I would also like an opportunity, as part of the budget process, to engage with Ministers from all Departments in the House. This would be along with the press conferences they have on their individual budget items.


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