Seanad debates
Wednesday, 14 June 2023
Mother and Baby Institutions Payment Scheme Bill 2022: Report Stage
10:30 am
Roderic O'Gorman (Dublin West, Green Party) | Oireachtas source
We are trying to separate out the women who gave birth in maternity facilities and were there solely for the purpose of the use of those maternity facilities. There were other women who gave birth in maternity facilities who were there because they had been admitted into a county home. We are saying that women in the latter category are entitled to be eligible under the scheme. The scheme is designed for them, women who used a facility for giving birth that happened to be on the same site as a mother and baby home are not within the ambit of this scheme. I would understand that a woman who entered a county home and then perhaps went to a different building and gave birth, the legislation contemplates that entire experience was part of her experience within a mother and baby institution.
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