Seanad debates

Wednesday, 19 April 2023

An tOrd Gnó - Order of Business


10:30 am

Photo of Lynn RuaneLynn Ruane (Independent) | Oireachtas source

I am asking for potential statements, maybe before the summer, on the use of AI in Ireland. I cannot speak for others but it causes me a high level if anxiety because no matter how much I read and try to understand it, I find it hard to grasp and grab. As legislators, we need to start creating space for conversations about it. We cannot only have conversations when legislation is coming through that involves AI or facial recognition.

I read a book last year called The Digital Poorhouseby Virginia Eubanks. It was based on the use of AI and automatic systems in the US, and how they are mainly used to manage some of the poorest and most vulnerable communities. That could be disability or schools that are not performing. It makes me really nervous. It would be good to create the space to have an open conversation. We should be able to explore whether we need - I do not think we have them - national standards and a quality framework on the underpinning the use of AI and the ethics, bias and oversight. How does a machine learn and how do we know when a machine is learning in a particular way that creates a bias if we do not have that oversight or knowledge and understanding?

In the past couple of years, we have not replaced the Government's independent scientific adviser. I know that it has recently been confirmed that role will be decoupled from Science Foundation Ireland. That will be an individual role within Government and not attached to SFI. I do not know whether the independent scientific adviser to Government will also have a role in tech and AI, or if it is a particular role that does not encompass that area. It might be worth exploring, given the evolving space in AI and tech, whether the Government having an independent tech adviser is an important thing. This will make sure there is someone with a high level of expertise who can involve themselves in Government policy and legislation, and advise Parliament on some of those questions I am sure other people have in the same way I do. I hope we can have statements on that area before the summer.


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