Seanad debates

Wednesday, 8 February 2023

Communications Regulation and Digital Hub Development Agency (Amendment) Bill 2022: Second Stage


1:00 pm

Photo of Lynn BoylanLynn Boylan (Sinn Fein) | Oireachtas source

Curim fáilte roimh an Aire Stáit. As others have said, the Bill aims to provide ComReg with more powers, which is a move that Sinn Féin welcomes. ComReg needs stronger regulatory and consumer protection powers if it is to be able to do its job. I recently had reason to contact ComReg regarding power outages that were impacting the ability of people to contact emergency services. I flagged that this may be an issue during a Commencement matter some time ago. ComReg was prompt in its response and its representatives were a pleasure to deal with. Its most recent annual report highlighted that it received approximately 79,000 contacts from customers over a 12-month period, which shows the demand that is placed on the regulator by consumers. It also highlights the need for robust powers to ensure high standards are met in the telecom sector.

As others have pointed out, the Bill also deals with what are euphemistically called "high-risk vendors". The measures in the Bill are in the context of security concerns but could have serious ramifications for indigenous companies. We need to proceed cautiously and with a circumspect view to ensure that communications companies that have installed infrastructure are not facing a cliff edge.

The Minister of State referred to the amendments to the Postal and Telecommunications Services Act 1983 for payments to be made to or via An Post, particularly in the context of the provision of support to postmasters. We should all commend the work that is done by the IPU. The Grant Thornton report outlined what was necessary for sustainability. If anyone needed a lesson on how essential and important the post office network is, it was delivered during the pandemic. We are all aware of the impact that the closure of a post office has on communities. It is important that we have a sustainable post office model in the future.

The amendments that have been adopted are welcome but there is more to be done to support postmasters. We are happy to work with the Minister of State as this Bill progresses. Sinn Féin is happy to support and welcome the Bill and we will not object to its passage beyond Second Stage.


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