Seanad debates

Thursday, 19 May 2022

Nithe i dtosach suíonna - Commencement Matters

Electric Vehicles

10:30 am

Photo of Frank FeighanFrank Feighan (Sligo-Leitrim, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

This intervention alone will result in 90 additional high-power chargers, each capable of charging two vehicles; 52 additional fast chargers, which may replace existing standard chargers; and 264 replacement standard chargers with more modern technology and each consisting of two charge points. The project is due to be completed in 2022.

In March, the Department of Transport published a draft EV charging infrastructure strategy, which is currently out for public consultation. Once finalised, the strategy will provide a key framework for ensuring that we continue to have sufficient infrastructure in place to keep ahead of demand as we move towards the climate action plan goal of almost 1 million vehicles on the road by 2030.

Regarding Galway city and county, the Department of Transport has been informed by ESB ecars that its charging network in Galway has 12 standard charge points, nine fast chargers and four high-powered charge points, with all 12 of the standard charge points featuring two connections for a total of 24 individual points where an EV can be charged.

In addition to the existing network, the public charge point scheme has been in place since September 2019, providing local authorities with a grant of up to €5,000 per charger to support the development of on-street public chargers. It is intended that this scheme will be expanded significantly to coincide with the launch of Zero Emission Vehicles Ireland, ZEVI, in the coming months. The primary focus of the scheme is to provide support for the installation of infrastructure that will facilitate owners of EVs who do not have access to private parking spaces but rely on parking their vehicles in public places near their homes to charge their vehicles. The Department is making significant funding available this year and next through ZEVI to support the installation of destination charge points in locations such as hotels and parks.


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