Seanad debates

Tuesday, 15 October 2019

Nithe i dtosach suíonna - Commencement Matters

Catalan Referendum

2:30 pm

Photo of Seán CanneySeán Canney (Galway East, Independent) | Oireachtas source

I thank the Senator for raising this matter. The Government follows closely developments in Spain, which is an important EU partner and a good friend of Ireland's. Irish people know Spain well. After Britain, it is the country to which we travel most. Furthermore, cities and towns across Spain are home to many Irish people and many Spaniards visit and live in Ireland.

Upholding the rule of law in all its respects is a key underpinning of all democracies. The question of Catalan independence remains a deeply divisive and contentious issue in Catalonia and the rest of Spain. Yesterday, the Spanish Supreme Court announced its verdict in the cases of 12 Catalan pro-independence leaders. We are all aware of reactions across the spectrum of opinion in Catalonia and elsewhere in Spain. We also note the Spanish Government's statement on the matter. We respect the separation of powers in Spain as in Ireland and it would not be appropriate for me to comment on a case ruled upon by the Spanish courts.

More generally, the Government's position regarding Catalonia remains that the constitutional and political arrangements in Spain are matters to be determined by its own citizens through its own institutions in keeping with the rule of law. The Government respects the constitutional and territorial unity of Spain, and just as we would expect other countries to respect our courts, we respect the decision taken by the Spanish courts.

Our ambassador and officials based in the Irish Embassy in Madrid continue to monitor developments. They are in constant contact with our Government and are monitoring the situation as regards demonstrations so as to provide suitable travel advice to Irish citizens. We respect people's right to gather and express freely their opinions, but we share the calls for calm, moderation and respect for others so as to allow those who live in Catalonia and its many visitors, including from Ireland, to go about their daily lives without disruption, including being able to travel freely to and from airports and train stations or by car. The freedom to express contesting views is essential in any democracy but differences of opinion must be contested with full respect for the law and the rights of all citizens. This is the foundation that underpins and protects most modern democratic societies.

The Government continues to support a resolution to the current situation that is based on democracy and the rule of law.


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