Seanad debates

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

10:30 am

Photo of Colm BurkeColm Burke (Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

I will convey the Senator's concerns, which I share, to the Minister.

Senator Mulherin raised the US election and the fact that we need to work with the President-elect. I agree with her in that regard. We should have no difficulty in inviting the President-elect to Ireland.

Senator Gallagher referred to the US election and SUSI grants. I will raise his concerns regarding the latter with the Minister for Education and Skills, and I hope the Minister will come here in the near future to deal with a number of education issues. It might be appropriate to put down a Commencement matter to get the Minister to provide a written response on it. While I can convey my comments on it and get the Minister to respond to the Senator, a Commencement matter might be the way to deal with it.

Senator Butler referred to accident and emergency departments. I am sorry if it looks like I am passing the buck. However, if the Senator has a concern in respect of this issue, then a Commencement matter might be the way to obtain full clarification. I will convey his concerns to the Minister.

I have dealt with Senator Gerry Horkan's issues, namely, the ASTI, the US election and the need for the Minister for Education and Skills to come before the House. It would be appropriate to get the Minister here given that a number of Senators want to raise a number of issues including the strikes, the ASTI, a number of industrial issues and SUSI grants. I will ask the Minister to come to the House at an early date.

Senator Ó Domhnaill referred to the US election and the part played by the media. The latter operate in a democratic system and we must respect their contribution. We cannot criticise them. They are doing a job and dealing with election coverage in what they feel is the appropriate way.

Senator Coghlan also raised the US election and the prospect of inviting the President-elect to Ireland, which I have dealt with.

Senator Wilson referred to the Minister of State with responsibility for defence. I have no difficulty in asking the latter to come here to deal with a number of issues about which the Senator has concerns. I will ask him to do so. I think he will be here reasonably soon. I will ensure the Senator gets a response.


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