Seanad debates

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

2:30 pm

Photo of Denis LandyDenis Landy (Labour) | Oireachtas source

I listened with interest to my great friend, Senator Wilson. Perhaps the issue he raised should be left for another day as today is one for celebrating Senator Máiría Cahill joining the Seanad. I warmly welcome the Senator and, in doing so, I recall Jimmy Harte who officially finished his time as a Senator yesterday evening. What better way to do so than with Ireland qualifying for the European Football Championship. Last night's result was fantastic and given Jimmy's passion for soccer, I am sure he was thrilled with it.

I also add my voice to the condemnation of the recent events in Paris. On a much brighter and happier note, when I opened my e-mails this morning, I saw an embargoed message which effectively stated that the era of the hedge school and education in prefabricated buildings have been consigned to the past. The Government has ensured that no child will be allowed to go to school in facilities that are not up to 21st century standards. I congratulate and commend the Minister for Education and Skills, Deputy Jan O'Sullivan, and the Government team which produced the programme announced today.


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