Seanad debates

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

10:30 am

Photo of Martin ConwayMartin Conway (Fine Gael)

I also welcome the imminent publication of the personal insolvency Bill. While all Members are frustrated by the length of time it has taken to introduce it, it is preferable that the Government has spent the time to get it right. Moreover, if it is necessary for the Seanad to sit from Monday to Friday for some time to bring the legislation through the House, all Members would be prepared to so do. Just before I came into the Chamber, I received a telephone call from a person who was about to be put out of the family home, who the bank literally had by the throat and who, most likely, would not have a home in a couple of months' time. Consequently, this legislation is critical and I applaud the Government for spending the time to get it right. All Members want to see it done properly and wish to spend the appropriate time in debating it.

I also agree that comprehensive briefings on this matter are relevant and necessary. I support proposals that a copy of the set of recommendations of the Joint Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality, on which it spent a great deal of time deliberating to propose recommendations in respect of the personal insolvency Bill------


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