Seanad debates

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

12:00 pm

Photo of David CullinaneDavid Cullinane (Sinn Fein)

The HSE statement says: "As a result of staff retirements, it will be necessary to reduce the long-stay bed complement [at] the ... hospital ... by 13." The Minister of State referred to the HSE service plan, which talks about the closure of 13 beds. This may be difficult for the Minister of State but can she give a guarantee that it will be 13 beds? I do not want to see any beds lost at the hospital, and I have made the point that we are talking about long-stay beds for older people at a time when we have an ageing population, but the HSE is saying 13 beds will be closed. What I have been told by staff at the hospital and by Unite trade union that represents the staff is that it is intended to close St. Michael's ward, which has 16 beds. Can the Minister of State confirm 13 beds will be closed, not 16? I do not agree with any bed closures in the hospital because of the impact it will have on patient care, but people deserve to know exactly what will happen. I will attend the meeting in the hospital on Friday, to which the Minister of State referred. It is important, if the HSE is saying one thing and the hospital management is saying something else, that there is joined-up thinking and we are told by the HSE exactly what is happening in order that we can deal with it. Is the Minister of State in a position to confirm that only 13 beds will close, not 16?


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