Seanad debates

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

11:00 am

Photo of Dominic HanniganDominic Hannigan (Labour)

I join Senator Norris in expressing dismay at the outcome of the recent court case in Malawi. I contacted the Department of Foreign Affairs yesterday to ask it to direct our ambassador, Mr. MacGabhann, to make representations at the highest level in Malawi. Will the Leader join me and ask his office to contact Mr. MacGabhann to impress on him the need to make a case to the Government of Malawi on the reasons the sentences should be at least commuted?

Will the Leader confirm that legislation on the Dublin mayoral election can be expected in the House before the end of this session? It is unusual for the Deputy Leader to announce legislation. Will the Leader confirm that the Deputy Leader is correct in this case?

Focus Ireland's report on homelessness was published this morning. It predicts that approximately 100,000 people will be on social housing lists throughout the country by the end of the year, while 250,000 houses are lying idle. In County Meath there are several thousand people on waiting lists. Like other Senators, I am contacted daily by people who are living in substandard conditions, while next to them houses are left empty because the developers cannot sell them. Will the Government take some action to tackle this issue? I ask the Leader to arrange a debate on the matter.

There has been much talk in the last few days about the impact the Government can have on sports bodies. Yesterday we saw its impact on rugby. Will the Government intervene and seek a review of AIB's policy on sponsorship? The State owns 20% of the shares in AIB which sponsors a corporate box, to the tune of €100,000 a year, at a soccer ground in Islington in London. At the same time, League of Ireland clubs are desperate for cash, with some of them going out of business in the past year. My club, Drogheda United, is seriously strapped for cash. A review of AIB's policy on sponsorship would help, as it should put more money into the Irish game. I ask the Leader to convey that message.


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