Seanad debates

Friday, 18 December 2009

National Monuments


4:00 pm

Photo of John Paul PhelanJohn Paul Phelan (Fine Gael)

It is appropriate that the Minister of State at the Department of Finance, Deputy Mansergh, responds to this matter. We spoke about this in the Seanad ante-room earlier. It concerns Knockroe Passage Tomb, south County Kilkenny. It is in an area of Kilkenny immediately adjacent to south Tipperary. A stream at the end of the field in which the tomb is located is the border between Kilkenny and Tipperary. It is a contentious border at certain times of the year, as the Cathaoirleach can attest. I am pleased that Deputy Mansergh is here to respond. This Neolithic passage tomb is known locally as the Coshel and is along the lines of what we know from Newgrange, County Meath. It is not as heralded nationally or internationally as Newgrange but it is the same sort of passage tomb as Newgrange.

A series of excavation works were carried out by Professor Muiris Ó Súilleabhán of UCD in the 1990s. Very little work has been carried out since his team's excavation. A local committee is involved in the protection and promotion of this national monument. The committee is concerned that very little work has taken place since the period of Professor Ó Súilleabhán's excavations. There does not appear to be a clear timeframe for future works. The local committee is worried because the site is open to the elements, human beings and other creatures. There is a possibility that damage may be done, naturally through erosion or through man-made contact with the site. Hopefully, the Minister of State will be in a position to outline to the House a programme of works for the not too distant future to ensure this significant national monument is protected, allowing more people to learn of its existence and to visit it. It is of national and international significance.


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