Seanad debates

Tuesday, 11 November 2008

3:00 pm

Photo of Camillus GlynnCamillus Glynn (Fianna Fail)

The Irish Foster Care Association held its conference recently. I have great admiration for this organisation, which comprises generous people and families who give good homes and an atmosphere of love and caring to children who would not otherwise have happy childhoods. I ask the Leader whether time could be put aside for a debate on this important issue.

During my time as spokesperson for health and children, I raised ad nauseam the issue of diabetes types I and II. We must take our hats off to the Diabetes Federation of Ireland, which is making major efforts to heighten public awareness of diabetic suffering. Regrettably, I cannot be at Bloomfield House Hotel, Mullingar, tonight but an information seminar will take place. It is not concentrated in Mullingar. From time to time the federation moves these seminars around the country. We must take our hats off and offer sincere thanks to the federation.

Regarding the murder of Shane Geoghegan, it is time we told the do-gooders to keep quiet and the silent majority to speak up for the Shane Geoghegans of this world. He was taken away from his family at a young age. It is time we got tough with the rough.


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