Seanad debates

Tuesday, 11 November 2008

2:30 pm

Photo of Paul CoghlanPaul Coghlan (Fine Gael)

I add my words of support to the remarks of Senator Fitzgerald, especially in regard to the brutal and horrific slaying of the innocent Shane Geoghegan in Limerick. Will the Leader report to this House on the decisions and actions decided upon as a result of the meeting today between the Taoiseach, the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, and the Garda Commissioner in respect of the matter?

As we all sadly witness, gangland crime is growing rather than shrinking in this country. These criminals are known. How is it that they have such ready access to guns and other weapons of destruction? If we cannot intern them, even though they are known, there should at least be very strict monitoring. I wish to hear from the Leader on this. Can we not avail of electronic surveillance or necessary wiretaps? We have asked these questions before but in the light of this most horrific murder we are forced to ask them again. I wish to hear urgently from the Leader.

There is to be a significant programme of regeneration in Limerick and I know the city needs it badly. However, we hear that some of the crime families there are insisting on certain matters in regard to this and are being widely consulted. I do not say that citizens and groups should not be consulted but there is something rotten here when, sadly, despite all the resources so far put in, the emergency response unit and other sections of the Garda——


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