Seanad debates
Thursday, 1 May 2008
Order of Business
10:30 am
Alex White (Labour)
On the subject of human rights monitoring, colleagues may know that the report of the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Mr. Thomas Hammarberg, has been published. Will the Acting Leader arrange a debate on this important report's findings and conclusions which are both positive and negative in respect of Ireland? I agree with the Commissioner that some developments have been positive and important, namely, the establishment of the Ombudsman for Children and the Garda Ombudsman Commission. However, the House should debate the number of criticisms made by the commissioner. For example, the deficiencies in the provision of professional care for children in State accommodation should be examined. Of particular concern is the standard of care for young people in psychiatric institutions. Our prosperous country is still accommodating children and young people in adult psychiatric units, a situation that no civilised country should allow to continue. The Commissioner was right to point this issue out. Will the Acting Leader accommodate a debate in the House?
The Commissioner raised the question of the law in respect of abortion. We cannot abdicate our responsibilities as legislators permanently. In the X case, the Supreme Court set out the law. Members will have opinions and disagreements on what should occur, but we cannot turn our backs on the issue having done so for long enough. The commissioner is correct that the matter should be debated fully and legislation should be introduced to set out clearly the Houses' opinion on the provision of abortion.
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