Seanad debates
Tuesday, 4 December 2007
Order of Business
3:00 pm
Fidelma Healy Eames (Fine Gael)
——that once again, this exposes the myth that Fianna Fáil has managed the economy well.
My main reason for speaking today is not unrelated to my previous point. I ask that the Minister for Education and Science should come before the House to discuss the results of the programme for international student assessment, PISA, to which a previous Government Senator referred today. I heard some of the reports this morning and it is being circulated that 15 year olds in Ireland are doing much better than is the case. The facts are that Ireland is doing very well on reading, just reasonably in science and only just about average in mathematics. Ireland came fifth in reading, which is very good and is to be welcomed. However, this does not mean all our problems in respect of literacy have ended.
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