Seanad debates

Wednesday, 31 January 2007

3:00 pm

Kathleen O'Meara (Labour)

I support the motion for a debate on health this afternoon. This critical issue has become worse over the Christmas recess. The public cannot understand why, after almost ten years in office, the Government has failed to solve the accident and emergency crisis, which has worsened. The situation in St. James's Hospital is a classic example. Only last week, Limerick Regional Hospital ran out of trolleys and people had to be treated in ambulances in the car park. That indicates how the system is failing. There is, however, total resistance in Government circles to the idea that the system needs more beds and better management. There is also the debacle over the children's hospital in Crumlin. In addition, fewer and fewer people now qualify for much needed medical cards. These are only some examples of how the Government is completely failing in the health sector.

We also need a debate on jobs and the economy, which should be organised as soon as possible. I do not mind if the debate focuses on the national development plan. However, there is major concern about the future of multinationals in this country and how the IDA is operating. North Tipperary has been abandoned by the IDA and there have been no site visits for more than two years. It is simply not interested in north Tipperary. I would like to know the view of the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment in this regard. What is the policy on foreign direct investment and what is the responsibility of the IDA with regard to all, not just some, of the counties of Ireland?


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