Seanad debates

Wednesday, 16 November 2005

10:30 am

Mary Henry (Independent)

I support Senator Norris's proposal that we ask the Government to protest at once about the use of white phosphorous in Iraq. All of us remember the pictures of children in Vietnam fleeing with dreadful burns on their bodies. If someone had been able to be in Falluja the day these dreadful weapons were used, I am sure we would have seen pictures such as those taken in Vietnam.

I also support the call from Senators Brian Hayes and Ryan for a debate on the lack of scrutiny of those who claim to have degrees which they do not have. I raised this issue during the debate on the Health and Social Care Professionals Bill 2004 because we were an early signatory to the Bologna Declaration whereby there is to be a reciprocation of standards of degrees in Europe and, indeed, elsewhere. Our degrees will be denigrated if we do not carefully address this issue. I hope we can have a debate on this issue in the near future.


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