Seanad debates

Thursday, 13 October 2005

Domestic Violence: Statements.


12:00 pm

Photo of Joe McHughJoe McHugh (Fine Gael)

I concur with what previous speakers have said. Domestic violence against women is only a political issue in respect of funding and intervention and we are all singing from the same hymn sheet on this sensitive and delicate matter. Some €20 million per annum is provided for services for female victims. That is a great deal of money and it acknowledges the fact domestic violence against women is a major problem. We need ongoing intervention and communication between the Departments concerned. This is an issue that will not go away and we should focus closely on it.

Most of the arguments and discussions today have been in respect of domestic violence against females. I wish to refer to a letter which was recently sent to the editor of The Irish Times by Ms Mary T. Cleary of the AMEN group. I understand that a report was launched this summer by the National Crime Council in association with the Economic and Social Research Institute which contained some startling figures with regard to domestic violence against males. I am glad this letter appeared in The Irish Times because the statistics are startling and frightening and it is important they be put on the record. A total of 15% of women and 6% of men suffer severe domestic abuse. A total of 29% of women and 26% of men suffer from domestic abuse when the categories of severe and minor abuse are combined. The next figure baffled me. A total of 13% of women and 13% of men suffer physical abuse. There is parity of esteem between the genders in this respect.


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