Seanad debates

Wednesday, 12 October 2005

Employees (Provision of Information and Consultation) Bill 2005: Committee Stage.


12:00 pm

Photo of Feargal QuinnFeargal Quinn (Independent)

I would like an answer to my queries in respect of this amendment. I was impressed by the Minister of State on Second Stage because it was clear that he had done a substantial amount of work on the Bill. I criticised him when he said he intended to table some amendments to the Bill on Committee Stage, but it is clear today that almost all of his amendments are technical in nature. The amendment I have moved is quite important. We need to know whether the Minister of State intends that the provisions of the Bill will apply to profit-making undertakings as well as not for profit organisations. Does he intend that public sector and private sectors undertakings will be affected? I have proposed this amendment because my definition of the term "undertaking" will clear up the matter. I agree with the Minister of State that it is accepted that a "trade union" is "a trade union which is the holder of a negotiation licence under Part I of the Trade Union Act 1941". The Minister of State does not have any problem with that and I do not think anyone else will. However, it is important that we know whether it is a public or private undertaking and whether it applies to those acting in pursuit of profit.


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