Seanad debates

Wednesday, 12 October 2005

Employees (Provision of Information and Consultation) Bill 2005: Committee Stage.


11:00 am

Photo of Joe O'TooleJoe O'Toole (Independent)

I move amendment No. 3:

In page 3, subsection (1), line 20, to delete paragraph (a).

I will deal with amendment No. 3 first. I am trying to make life easy for Senator Quinn and the people he might meet in respect of this matter. In order to ensure that he does not have to contact every person in the shop and talk to them alone or in pairs, I suggest that much time may be saved simply by meeting the employee representatives or representative. That should be acceptable to Senator Quinn on this occasion.

In a slightly more serious vein, I am not trying to stop employers talking to one or two employees at a time. That is not my objective. However, for the consultation that is required under the Bill, as referred to in the text throughout, I am seeking that this should be done with the people appointed. That is what we have been debating for the past 20 minutes and it is the real issue in question. Otherwise the legislation will be turned on its head. What I am trying to achieve by amendment may be done in a different way. I accept that. The purpose of the amendment is not to prevent an employer from speaking to one or two employees on an issue, even one related to the matters under consultation, but to ensure that consultation under the terms of the legislation will take place with the appointed person, whether he or she is elected or, as Senator Quinn seeks, appointed by the employer on an agreed basis. Regardless of which approach is decided, consultation must take place with such persons on the basis provided for in the amendment as any other approach would undermine the legislation and fail to meet the requirements of the directive. Amendment No. 3 addresses this crucial issue.


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