Seanad debates

Wednesday, 7 July 2004

Equality Bill 2004 [Seanad Bill amended by the Dáil]: Report and Final Stages.


8:00 pm

Rory Kiely (Fianna Fail)

This is a Seanad Bill which has been amended by the Dáil. In accordance with Standing Order 103, it is deemed to have passed its First, Second and Third Stages in the Seanad and is placed on the Order Paper for Report Stage. On the question, "That the Bill be received for final consideration", the Minister may explain the purpose of the amendments made by the Dáil. This is looked upon as the report of the Dáil amendments to the Seanad. For Senators' convenience, I have arranged for the printing and circulation of the amendments.

I propose to group the amendments as follows for the purpose of debate: subject matter of amendments Nos. 1, 40, 42 and 43; subject matter of amendments Nos. 2 to 13, inclusive; subject matter of amendments Nos. 14 to 28, inclusive, and amendment No. 41; and subject matter of amendments Nos. 29 to 39, inclusive.

I remind Senators the only matter they may discuss is the subject matter of the amendments made by the Dáil and they may contribute only once on each group of amendments.


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