Seanad debates

Friday, 4 July 2003

Intoxicating Liquor Bill 2003 [ Seanad Bill amended by the Dáil ] : Report and Final Stages.


I take the point about checkout staff. I did not hear the programme in question but people running supermarkets who go into competition with people running off-licences should bear in mind that they operate under exactly the same law as an off-licensee. I fully sympathise with checkout staff. It is probably a mind-numbing experience for them to hold items in front of the bar code machine. In those circumstances it is difficult to concentrate on what is happening. By the same token, however, supermarket proprietors must realise that the law is the same for them as it is for an off-licensee in a specialist store. If their staff operate to a lower standard just because they are busy or it is a stressed occupation or whatever, it is up to the supermarket owners in question to put some method in place to make sure that does not happen. If supermarket owners allow alcohol to be checked out at the same checkout desk as all other food, they must bear the consequence if they make a mistake. They could easily have a separate payment system for wine and spirits in a supermarket which has an off-licence attached to it and if they economise by having a single checkout system, the law will not forgive them if the consequence of that is, effectively, a reduced degree of vigilance as to who is buying the product in their stores.


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