Seanad debates

Tuesday, 11 February 2003

Industrial Development (Science Foundation Ireland) Bill 2002: Committee and Remaining Stages.


2:30 pm

Photo of Joe O'TooleJoe O'Toole (Independent)

Throughout the previous session, I opposed the inclusion of provisions of this nature in every Bill that came before the House. Such provisions are appalling. On the Order of Business, a Member referred to the pressure politicians are under to complete so many declarations of interests and so on. On each occasion a provision that oppresses, deprecates and diminishes politicians and makes them inferior to everybody else comes before the House, it is supported unanimously. If ever a group of individuals needed a union or shop steward to look after them, it is the Members of these Houses. I have never seen such a shower in my life. As soon as anybody kicks us in the teeth, we invite them to do it again.

How dare anybody tell Members of this House that they may not sit on the board. A ridiculous argument has been put forward that Members are too busy. If the people who will eventually constitute the membership of this board were not already as busy as politicians, however, they should not even be considered for membership of the board. These will be people who have already proven themselves and demonstrated their commitment elsewhere.

I agree with everything Senator Leyden said about local authority members, but exactly the same argument applies to Members of the Houses. I am sick and tired of this. I ask the Minister of State to reply to the following observation, although I know the answer he will give. I guarantee the House that this provision was not included in the draft Bill that left the Minister of State's Department to go to the parliamentary counsel. It is the invention of the counsel and, perhaps, the Department of Finance, but I will guarantee that it was not included by the Minister of State's Department. I am sure the Minister of State will confirm this if he is allowed to respond to the point. I know for certain that this is the case. I put it to the Minister of State, however, that this provision is not required in the legislation. Has anybody consulted with the people who will ultimately run this body? What objection do they have to politicians?


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