Seanad debates

Tuesday, 11 February 2003

Industrial Development (Science Foundation Ireland) Bill 2002: Committee and Remaining Stages.


2:30 pm

Photo of Michael AhernMichael Ahern (Cork East, Fianna Fail)

With regard to a query by Senator O'Toole, there was a technology foresight exercise carried out which involved people from the universities, the institutes of technology and other areas. They looked at what they considered necessary to drive the development of science and technology ahead in this country and came up with the Science and Technology Institute and highlighted bio-technology and information and communications technology as the primary areas in which we should invest. It may be necessary in time to set up another technology foresight exercise in order to review what needs to be done in the future. It is in that regard that we have the third element in subsection (3), that is, "such other areas that concern economic and social benefit, long-term industrial competitiveness . as may be prescribed from time to time by the Minister". Forfás is responsible for bringing forward different ideas to the Minister and, therefore, it is the overall umbrella agency in this area.


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