Seanad debates

Wednesday, 18 December 2002

Social Welfare Bill, 2002: Second Stage.


Photo of Paddy BurkePaddy Burke (Fine Gael)

I welcome the Minister to the House. I support Senator Kitt in regard to the rural transport initiative. It is a great scheme and should be more widely advertised and used. Those who do avail of it for a day out get great enjoyment from it. The scheme could be broadened and companies and businesses should be encouraged to support it financially.

I also support those who spoke about the carer's allowance. This scheme provides a great service to the country and keeps thousands of people out of hospitals. We could not speak highly enough of the carers who provide such a tremendous service. I fully support the abolition of the means test in regard to carers. All carers deserve the allowance. Consider all those cared for at home throughout the country. If they had to be taken into nursing homes or hospitals the system would be completely clogged. It is quite clogged as it is but were it not for the services provided by carers the system would collapse.

I welcome the increases for pensioners and social welfare recipients. However, when we match it against the increases announced before, in and after the budget, it is needed. There have been increases in motor tax, health, car, house contents and house insurance, the television licence, diesel, and VAT.


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