Seanad debates

Thursday, 17 October 2002

10:30 am

Photo of Brian HayesBrian Hayes (Fine Gael)

I agree with the Order of Business and do not oppose it. I wish to raise one matter and, through the House, to speak to the country concerning the referendum this Saturday. Last weekend, the Serbian presidential election was declared null and void because fewer than 50% of the people turned out to vote. This Saturday, I remind the public that we all have a responsibility to vote either one way or the other. Does the Leader agree that there is an historic opportunity in the vote this Saturday, for the people to exercise their democratic franchise in a way which will ensure Ireland continues to have influence in Europe and that we open up the European Union to the new, emerging democracies in central and eastern Europe? In that context, does the Leader also agree that this Saturday's vote is crucially important to the future of the country and Europe?


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