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Results 1-20 of 152 for likes to work speaker:Richard O'Donoghue

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Mental Health Bill 2024: Second Stage (Resumed) (18 Sep 2024)

Richard O'Donoghue: How can we help people who suffer from mental health problems? Like everything else, we have to start at the start with early intervention. The biggest problem we have with early intervention is that services for early intervention are not available. Where they are available, people will wait for 18 months or two years. Some of the people who have come to us looking for help move into the...

Local Authority Housing Maintenance and Repair: Motion (Resumed) [Private Members] (28 May 2024)

Richard O'Donoghue: I have been in the construction business all my life. Is the Government facilitating a one-stop shop cartel? Will the Minister of State clarify why the registered independent BER assessors are not permitted to provide the home energy assessment required to apply for a loan under the home energy upgrade loan scheme as the energy assessment can only be conducted by an SEAI-registered one-stop...

Ireland's Recognition of the State of Palestine: Statements (28 May 2024)

Richard O'Donoghue: What value is given to life? If recognising Palestine saves one life, is it not worth it? History is a funny thing when you look at it one way. When you look back it is something that is taken for granted. When Hitler was on his reign, the media said that humanity would never see something like this again. Then we had Rwanda when the Hutus and the Tutsis slaughtered one another and...

Ceisteanna ó Cheannairí - Leaders' Questions (21 May 2024)

Richard O'Donoghue: I am not against wind turbines. However, I am against wind turbines that do not allow people to have a night's sleep. I have been trying to think of a way to get through to those in government in order that they will understand how important it is that they listen to this. The Minister, Deputy McEntee, is alongside the Taoiseach. In addition to them, how many parents, grandparents and...

Europe Day: Statements (8 May 2024)

Richard O'Donoghue: ...because we have not heard from the people representing us in Europe in five years. They turn up on European election day looking for votes and say, "we are here again." They say they are here to represent Ireland in Europe. Some 70% of the regulations for Ireland come from Europe. Ireland is slowly and surely losing its identity in Europe. That goes back to the representatives we have...

European Union Migration and Asylum Pact: Motion [Private Members] (1 May 2024)

Richard O'Donoghue: People in this country are scared. They are scared about what the Government has done and about the lack of information available to them. This pact signs Ireland up to have almost 30,000 migrants coming into this country and if we do not accept these migrants, there is a clause that says it will cost €20,000 for each persons we do not accept. If we do not accept 30,000 migrants,...

Petrol and Diesel Excise Rate Increases: Motion (Resumed) [Private Members] (30 Apr 2024)

Richard O'Donoghue: Every time there is an election, Sinn Féin tries to fool the people of Ireland. It is great that there is social media now, because we can see what Sinn Féin stands for. The local, European and mayoral elections are coming up. Sinn Féin will now try to say something. It proposed two amendments to strengthen the hate speech Bill. It tells people it is for the people of...

Automatic Enrolment Retirement Savings System Bill 2024: Second Stage (Resumed) (17 Apr 2024)

Richard O'Donoghue: As an employer, I believe that we should work for the future. I am very lucky with the people I employ - the family as I call them. I have been self-employed all my life and I believe that working together, we create businesses together and we support one another's families. Businesses across all sectors are feeling the pinch. The only place not feeling the pinch is the Government...

RTÉ: Statements (28 Feb 2024)

Richard O'Donoghue: If I was running RTÉ, it would be run like a business. RTÉ is funded by this Government and it is a stakeholder in it. It is supposed to be a national television station. All they are doing is selling false information, as Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael have been giving to their members for many years. It is all one-sided reporting. They have no respect for the people who work...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Housing, Planning and Local Government: Defective Blocks Scheme: Discussion (27 Feb 2024)

Richard O'Donoghue: I thank the Chair and thank the witnesses for coming in. I am a building contractor and have been all my life. I am a block layer by trade so who can better talk about this? I am not talking to a desktop. The desktop study that was done on this is ludicrous. How do you see something and explain something to somebody if you can do it yourself, which I can do. At the last committee...

Misuse of Drugs (Cannabis Regulation) Bill 2022: Second Stage [Private Members] (31 Jan 2024)

Richard O'Donoghue: I acknowledge what Deputy Gino Kenny is doing here. While I agree with parts of it, I cannot support the Bill as it stands. Medicinal cannabis can be used in certain circumstances. I would like to see it made available to people who are suffering from chronic pain and to provide relief for those receiving cancer treatments. I would like this to be done through doctors prescribing it to...

Services for those Seeking Protection in Ireland: Statements (30 Jan 2024)

Richard O'Donoghue: I have worked with the Minister, Deputy O'Gorman, to help people fleeing war - women and children - into our areas, communities and schools. They now work in our areas. I commend everything that has been done and the communities that welcomed them into their houses. They are all integrated into our area. They play sports and are involved in community games. What has been done is...

Conflict in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory: Motion (23 Jan 2024)

Richard O'Donoghue: ...,000 people who have been confirmed dead, two thirds of whom are women and children. Eighty-five percent of the population has been displaced. The healthcare system has collapsed, and operations like amputations and Caesarean sections are being performed without anaesthetic or any form of pain relief. What has this world come to? A ceasefire is needed. Israel needs to be held...

Social Welfare (Liable Relatives and Child Maintenance) Bill 2023: Second Stage (18 Jan 2024)

Richard O'Donoghue: I welcome the work that has been done on the Bill. More work can be done on it but it is heading in the right direction. Many means-tested applications take maintenance payments into account. For example, medical card applications require maintenance payments to be included for the means test. How many people have been denied medical cards due to maintenance payments bringing them over...

Local Government (Mayor of Limerick) Bill 2023: Instruction to Committee (12 Dec 2023)

Richard O'Donoghue: favour and 49% against. I had my concerns at the start of this about the cost of a mayor for Limerick exceeding €500,000 per year. At the start, it was said the local authority would have to fund this, but now the Government is going to fund it for the first term. After that, I believe it is to come back out of the budget of the local authority. That is €500,000-plus...

Neutrality: Motion [Private Members] (28 Nov 2023)

Richard O'Donoghue: This change in legislation is to change Ireland's stance on neutrality. It will mean there is no longer a need for approval by the UN for a deployment of more than 12 members of the Defence Forces. This basically means getting rid of the triple lock system. Why fix something if it is not broken? This is not broken. It has worked in the past and it is working now. As of the end of...

Health Service Funding: Motion [Private Members] (24 Oct 2023)

Richard O'Donoghue: There were 130 people on trolleys in UHL on Monday. Other Deputies have mentioned UHL this evening but I have been mentioning it for 12 months. I was told to stop talking about the CEO and the management. I was in the hospital when I got a knock-out during the year. I waited in the waiting room for 16 hours. I did not look for preferential treatment. The Minister said the money is...

Sustainability of Stability of Services Provided by Section 39 and Section 56 Organisations on behalf of the HSE and Tusla: Statements (12 Oct 2023)

Richard O'Donoghue: I thank the service providers and representatives for coming here today. I will speak about what section 39 workers in County Limerick mean to me. The father of the Minister of State, Deputy O'Donnell, was a founding member of St. Joseph's Foundation in Charleville. We are very fortunate to have access to the St. Joseph's Foundation in Granagh, where I am from. It has been there for many...

Financial Resolutions 2023 - Financial Resolution No. 4: General (Resumed) (11 Oct 2023)

Richard O'Donoghue: I will start with the increase in the minimum wage. Before I do, I point out that I am an employer so I understand where this comes from, I understand what it means for employees to get more money and I have no problem with this. However, employees need to know about the increase they are getting. Based on a 40-hour week, a person on €11.30 would gross €452 and would have a...

Financial Resolutions 2023 - Budget Statement 2024 (10 Oct 2023)

Richard O'Donoghue: I am going to start by referencing the Law Reform Commission consultation report for a Bill that was never enacted. According to the abstract of the 2005 report: The Report deals with the liability of corporations for the death of human persons arising from gross negligence. The Report recommends that an offence of 'corporate manslaughter' should be introduced, to be prosecuted on...

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