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Results 1-20 of 1,264 for does speaker:Clare Daly

Written Answers — Department of Public Expenditure and Reform: Office of Public Works Projects (11 Jun 2019)

Clare Daly: ...consultation will be re-publicised adequately to ensure there is wide public awareness that it has been extended and that the documentation is now available; his further plans to ensure the OPW does not act in the future to inhibit the participation of the public in its consultations; his plans to censure those responsible for recent consultation and their perceived intransigence in...

Written Answers — Department of Health: Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (28 May 2019)

Clare Daly: 297. To ask the Minister for Health further to Parliamentary Question No. 788 of 8 May 2019, the reason the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland, MBI, does not have an in-house legal team to deal with fitness to practise and other everyday legal issues at the organisation in view of the fact that the organisation spent approximately €7 million on legal costs and fees between 2016 and...

Written Answers — Department of Children and Youth Affairs: Child and Family Agency Policy (21 May 2019)

Clare Daly: ...the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs her plans to request Tusla to maintain a record of the number of girls in residential care that become pregnant while in care in view of the fact that it does not keep such records. [22011/19]

Aircraft Noise (Dublin Airport) Regulation Bill 2018: From the Seanad (Resumed) (15 May 2019)

Clare Daly: ...whatsoever of the voluntary buy-out scheme and the points we were making that this would address some deficits in that scheme. Is it not the case that without Deputy Troy's amendment No. 3, that does not apply? I would like a further explanation. It looks like a gaping hole.

Aircraft Noise (Dublin Airport) Regulation Bill 2018: From the Seanad (Resumed) (15 May 2019)

Clare Daly: ...line with Deputy Broughan, some of my comments were about the overall Bill and not about this particular amendment. On the amendment, while it is probably better to have it in the legislation, that does not negate the fact that we have abdicated our responsibility by agreeing in other parts of the Bill to allow Fingal County Council to be the competent authority. We have weakened the...

Aircraft Noise (Dublin Airport) Regulation Bill 2018: From the Seanad (Resumed) (15 May 2019)

Clare Daly: ...on surrounding communities. If DAA wants to loosen this obligation, it must come up with a much better insulation scheme and a much better buyout scheme than those now on the table. This legislation does not provide either, yet we know it will be used by DAA. We have a serious problem with that, and I find it absolutely reprehensible that the Government has gone in and forced unwelcome...

Coroners (Amendment) Bill 2018: Report and Final Stages (15 May 2019)

Clare Daly: being put through this trauma or being stonewalled by a litigation obsessed health service. We need and want a health system that works for women and their families; a health system that does not compound the families' suffering by denying, defending and covering up in the face of the most devastating tragedy. This is why we need mandatory open disclosure and mandatory inquests....

Mother and Baby Homes: Motion [Private Members] (15 May 2019)

Clare Daly: ...who were illegally adopted is not being investigated properly in any forum as we stand here. The sampling exercise involves only 1.5% of the 100,000 records held by the Adoption Authority. It does not even scratch the surface. What we need to see and what we have demanded for years is a full audit of all adoption files. We need a package of basic supports for the remaining survivors...

Mother and Baby Homes: Motion [Private Members] (15 May 2019)

Clare Daly: 1974. She signed a consent form to have her son adopted but did not sign her own name. Instead, instructed by a nun and in the presence of a solicitor and her mother, she was forced to write a different name, that of Micheline Power, a woman who does not exist. The documentation was deliberately falsified. She signed the paper in a false name for a child that she had already...

Written Answers — Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine: Horse Racing Ireland (8 May 2019)

Clare Daly: 1181. To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the reason Horse Racing Ireland does not collect the foal level and contracts the job out (details supplied). [19331/19]

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality: Garda Oversight and Accountability: Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission (8 May 2019)

Clare Daly: said therein echoed what had been already said by GSOC. In other words, there is nothing new in it. This could have been legislatively provided for before now. I am incredibly frustrated about that. Does GSOC expect to get a statutory right to information, in particular? As highlighted, this is an area that has been long lobbied for, including in the 2016 report of this committee....

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality: Garda Oversight and Accountability: Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission (8 May 2019)

Clare Daly: ...Justice Ring's statement that it was troubling that An Garda Síochána continued to conduct criminal investigations into its members without the knowledge or involvement of GSOC. Either the Garda does not know it is supposed to do that or it is something more sinister. This is very troubling. Ms Justice Ring referred to the new draft protocol and stated that GSOC had not...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality: Garda Oversight and Accountability: Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission (8 May 2019)

Clare Daly: ...investigation which was still not finished after about four years. GSOC, however, is not able to publish its report until the Garda investigation concludes. Is that not the biggest flaw of all? Does this not stunt the work of GSOC? I presume an obstreperous Garda management - I am not saying that is the issue in this case - could delay the matter if it wished by contending that it is...

Aircraft Noise (Dublin Airport) Regulation Bill 2018: From the Seanad (18 Apr 2019)

Clare Daly: saying health and well-being are already covered and we do not need to put in this extra safeguard because it is there already, what is the harm in inserting it? For the Minister to say it is not legal does not really stand up because this House has already heard the arguments and voted to include this provision, so that is old hat and there is nothing new in that argument. Let us be...

Aircraft Noise (Dublin Airport) Regulation Bill 2018: From the Seanad (18 Apr 2019)

Clare Daly: ...the case because a major part of the problem with the Bill has been the Minister's inadequate responses to Deputies' points on various Stages. I am happy to proceed on the basis proposed but if he does not respond as proposed, I will rise again on this issue.

Aircraft Noise (Dublin Airport) Regulation Bill 2018: From the Seanad (18 Apr 2019)

Clare Daly: and well-being are recognised in the legislation. Deputy Ryan is also correct that when we raised this issue on various Stages, the Minister responded that health is covered and it does not to be specified further. If it is covered, what is the harm in re-emphasising it, because it is critical to this legislation? The Minister's argument does not stand up. From our point of...

Post-European Council Meetings: Statements (17 Apr 2019)

Clare Daly: ..., this is an appalling vista. 5 o’clock He was arrested for doing incredibly good investigative journalism, and there is a chilling effect from this by the United States Government, which does not want its secrets exposed. It wants to prove to everyone who undermines its authority that its security state has a global reach and that anyone who upsets the United States can be...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality: Regulation of Gambling Sector: Discussion (17 Apr 2019)

Clare Daly: ...any income generated, aside from the human cost. In that context, what immediate steps must be taken? We heard a little about the delay in the legislation but improving, say, addiction services does not require legislation. What priority steps could be taken now that do not require legislation? Developing more points on the idea of a dedicated gambling addiction treatment service would...

Ceisteanna Eile - Other Questions: UN Missions (11 Apr 2019)

Clare Daly: ...other defence forces personnel from other jurisdictions have been similarly impacted in this way. Can he tell us how many have been affected? If he cannot, can he get us that information? Why does he not know? I have been in and out of Beirut on a number of occasions in the past two years and I have never had any problem. The Irish Government does not seem to have any problem in...

Ceisteanna Eile - Other Questions: UN Missions (11 Apr 2019)

Clare Daly: ...of it? Why should we participate in an Article 7 mission? As I said, we are peacekeepers. If we keep going down this line in a vain attempt to give the government international prestige it does not have, not only will we jeopardise the safety of Defence Forces personnel but we will also undermine our international credibility as peacekeepers.

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