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Results 1-20 of 121 for likes to work speaker:Ned O'Sullivan

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Seanad: Air Navigation and Transport (Arms Embargo) Bill 2024: Second Stage (29 May 2024)

Ned O'Sullivan: I am conscious that I am somewhat of an outlier in this House in my opinion on what is happening vis-à-vis the Hamas-Israel war. I regret that it has become necessary for people in my position to immediately preface any remark they wish to make with a statement that they do not condone, as I do not condone, the level of force and damage to life and property that is being waged by the...

Joint Committee On Children, Equality, Disability, Integration And Youth: Ireland's International Obligations under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child: Discussion (23 Apr 2024)

Ned O'Sullivan: First, I extend a very warm welcome to our guests, both adults and young people. It is wonderful to meet them. We do a lot of talking here about children and children's things, and it is nice to be talking to the end users - I suppose you could put it that way - and the people who are at the coalface. It is great that they are engaged and prepared to give their time to this very valuable...

Joint Committee On Children, Equality, Disability, Integration And Youth: Protection of Children in the Use of Artificial Intelligence: Discussion (13 Feb 2024)

Ned O'Sullivan: I thank the Chair for arranging such a very interesting meeting. It is very educational to me. I was not in the room for the start of it but I listened to every bit of it. I want to compliment our witnesses on the comprehensive reports they have given and how they have intertwined with and complemented each other. It has been a very useful and fulfilling meeting from my point of view...

Seanad: Recent Violence in Dublin City Centre: Motion (29 Nov 2023)

Ned O'Sullivan: Like every other Member here I was absolutely shocked by the savage attack on a young child, her protectors and her carers in a very public place. I was horrified by it. It matters little to me whether the person who perpetrated the crime was Irish, non-Irish, English or whatever. That is not the important thing. The important point is that this crime happened and it has to be condemned...

Seanad: Recent Violence in Dublin City Centre: Motion (29 Nov 2023)

Ned O'Sullivan: This Minister has done extremely great work. No-one is talking about the crackdown on organised crime in this country or about the huge reduction in the level of violent deaths and assassinations, just to name one aspect. Our gardaí are doing a great job. There are people in the street and at home who depend on the Garda for reassurance. When things get fraught like this people - and...

Joint Committee On Children, Equality, Disability, Integration And Youth: Issues Facing the Early Childhood Sector: Discussion (Resumed) (14 Nov 2023)

Ned O'Sullivan: I will not detain everyone for too long. First, I must apologise for being late. The Seanad ran late and I did not have an opportunity to put my ear to the proceedings. Basically, what I wanted to know was covered in the question from Senator Clonan and answered very well by Ms Fleming. I would like to make an observation. We had a family retail business in a small town in Kerry for five...

Seanad: The Political Situation in Northern Ireland: Statements (25 Oct 2023)

Ned O'Sullivan: I welcome the Minister of State. I will put a few brief points on record. The Good Friday Agreement was a watershed in the long and troubled history of our country. We have failed to deliver on the full potential of the Good Friday Agreement and that is highly regrettable and frustrating for those of us who invested heavily in a peaceful way forward and in new relations between...

Seanad: Situation in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories: Statements (19 Oct 2023)

Ned O'Sullivan: I have two minutes and I will not hang about. I commend the Tánaiste on the great work he is doing and the Government on its mature even-handed response to this crisis in the Middle East. The good image of Ireland on the international stage is under scrutiny. In that regard, we are not well served by gratuitous comment from some Irish public figures, whether they be in Europe,...

Seanad: An tOrd Gnó - Order of Business (5 Oct 2023)

Ned O'Sullivan: I congratulate the director of the Hugh Lane Gallery for organising a major collection of the works of Andy Warhol, which is opening tomorrow. This was a huge undertaking. It took nearly five years to put it together. It will be the most specific exhibition of the work of the strange, controversial genius that was Andy Warhol. It gives a great opportunity to art lovers and the general...

Seanad: Death of Former Member: Expressions of Sympathy (21 Jun 2023)

Ned O'Sullivan: I am pleased to have the opportunity to pay tribute on my behalf, and that of Fianna Fáil, to the late, great Mary Jackman. I warmly welcome her husband, Nick, daughter, Nicola, her sister, Ursula, and the rest of the family. I also welcome her Fine Gael colleagues in the Oireachtas, past and present. In particular, I welcome my neighbour, Michael Finucane. I do not have the...

Seanad: An tOrd Gnó - Order of Business (14 Jun 2023)

Ned O'Sullivan: Like many Members I am sure, I attended a briefing by the Irish National Teachers Organisation, INTO, held across the street this morning. If anyone has not gone there yet, I recommend they do. A very large turnout of teachers from all over the country was present. Among the many valid points raised, one particularly stood out, which was that in 2009, a great number of posts of...

Joint Committee On Children, Equality, Disability, Integration And Youth: Challenges Facing Women Accessing Education, Leadership and Political Roles: Discussion (13 Jun 2023)

Ned O'Sullivan: Very good. I just wished to clarify that. I regard myself as a feminist. I have had that approach in all of my political life. My cousin was one of the first female Fianna Fáil Deputies elected in rural Ireland. I know all about misogyny from what she suffered in trying to retain her level of support and her seat. Men did not have any mercy for her or for the frailties of a woman...

Seanad: 25th Anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement: Motion (30 May 2023)

Ned O'Sullivan: The Tánaiste is welcome. I apologise for being out of breath. I was stuck at another meeting and could not get away. I also left my notes behind, but I will do the best I can. It is great to see the Tánaiste here. Along with his Cabinet colleagues at the time, he certainly played a major role when the Good Friday Agreement was being drawn up. Everybody who played his or her...

Joint Committee On Children, Equality, Disability, Integration And Youth: Oberstown Children’s Detention Campus: Chairperson-Designate (23 May 2023)

Ned O'Sullivan: I would like to welcome Koulla. It was very interesting to hear her opening statement. To say that she is eminently qualified for the role is not an overstatement. I note that she is quite happy with the work done by her predecessor, Professor Kilkelly, which means that she is going into a situation with which she is reasonably comfortable. I know very little about prisons or schools of...

Joint Committee On Children, Equality, Disability, Integration And Youth: Integration and Refugee Issues: Discussion (21 Feb 2023)

Ned O'Sullivan: We are two hours and 11 minutes into the meeting, I have been here for every piece of it and we are only starting. Clearly, we have bitten off more than we can chew for one meeting. We will need quite a lot more of these meetings because, I am afraid to say, the tragedy we are experiencing worldwide at the moment is possibly in its infancy. I do not see it improving in the near future...

Seanad: An tOrd Gnó (Atógáil) - Order of Business (Resumed) (1 Feb 2023)

Ned O'Sullivan: There is a very good article in today's edition of The Kerrymannewspaper by a top journalist, Dónal Nolan, highlighting the plight of local communities trying to get by with the help of community employment, CE, schemes. This has been raised many times and we all know the CE schemes are a vital part of the social fabric of rural Ireland in particular. They keep local development and...

Joint Committee On Children, Equality, Disability, Integration And Youth: Disability Services: Discussion (31 Jan 2023)

Ned O'Sullivan: I am in my office in Leinster House. I welcome the witnesses and thank them for coming before the committee. They have come from various distances; the people from west Cork, like me, and County Kerry have the longest-distance journey to make. The witnesses are all very committed. I am full of admiration for them and the calm, dispassionate way in which they have brought the situation...

Seanad: Election of Cathaoirleach (16 Dec 2022)

Ned O'Sullivan: It is a pleasure for me, politically and personally, to address Senator Buttimer as Cathaoirleach. He is well entitled to aspire to the position. He will be a very popular and successful Cathaoirleach. He had a bit of hard luck about two and a half years ago. I always admire people in politics who take it on the chin and get on with the work when little setbacks some. From my experience...

Seanad: Death of Former Member: Expressions of Sympathy (7 Dec 2022)

Ned O'Sullivan: I am pleased to be able to represent my party to pay a well-deserved tribute to a great friend and colleague, former Senator Terry Brennan. I welcome Aileen and all of Terry's family and friends to the Chamber. It is a sad occasion but it is a proud one as well. Everyone who met Terry liked and admired him. He had a terrific personality and he was a loyal and dependable man. Terry and I...

Joint Committee On Children, Equality, Disability, Integration And Youth: Foster Care: Discussion (20 Sep 2022)

Ned O'Sullivan: I welcome the witnesses. It is very interesting listening to what they have to say and reading their presentations. I am very thankful for the additional information I now have that I did not have before, and I would say many others like me did not have it before. The question of fostering does not arise very often on the political agenda - the witnesses might say that is part of the...

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