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Results 1-17 of 17 for other and baby home speaker:Enda Kenny

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Leaders' Questions (8 Mar 2017)

Enda Kenny: Tá fhios agam go maith céard atá ag teastáil ag baint leis seo and that was the reason the commission of investigation was established. That has its independence with wide-ranging terms of reference. It has not actually reported its official findings yet, nor has the coroner declared what he considers the next step to be and the Garda has independent responsibility. ...

Leaders' Questions (8 Mar 2017)

Enda Kenny: I thank Deputy McDonald. Today is International Women's Day, and as I have said on many occasions, if Ireland was declared by W.B. Yeats to be "no country for old men", then the legacy and more recent issues mentioned by the Deputy would suggest that it was positively dangerous for girls and women. We have had the experience of the ignoring of the Magdalene women for many years. We have...

Leaders' Questions (7 Mar 2017)

Enda Kenny: Tuam is not just a burial ground, it is a social and cultural sepulchre. That is what it is. As a society in the so-called "good old days", we did not just hide away the dead bodies of tiny human beings, we dug deep and deeper still to bury our compassion, our mercy and our humanity itself. No nuns broke into our homes to kidnap our children. We gave them up to what we convinced ourselves...

Order of Business (20 Jan 2015)

Enda Kenny: It is proposed to take No. 46, statements on Northern Ireland and the Stormont House Agreement. It is proposed, notwithstanding anything in Standing Orders, that: the Dáil shall sit later than 9 p.m. tonight and shall adjourn on the adjournment of Private Members' business which shall be No. 187, motion re junior certificate exam structures, shall take place on the conclusion of Topical...

Ceisteanna - Questions (Resumed): Taoiseach's Meetings and Engagements (20 Jan 2015)

Enda Kenny: Deputies Adams and Boyd Barrett raised the question of Westbank Orphanage and Bethany Home. I note that there is a letter in today's edition of The Irish Times regarding the terms of reference of the commission of investigation into the mother and baby homes that was signed by survivors of the Westbank Orphanage and Bethany Home. The Westbank Orphanage is not included in the investigation...

Ceisteanna - Questions (Resumed): Taoiseach's Meetings and Engagements (20 Jan 2015)

Enda Kenny: ...of the budget for 2015, in any country, the answer to poverty is to have an economy that can deliver jobs. Social protection is an important element in bolstering the economy of this country and the Tánaiste has made an extraordinary effort towards this through changing the nature of social protection and the way it is perceived. What used to be the dole or social welfare office,...

Leaders' Questions (20 Jan 2015)

Enda Kenny: I thank Deputy O'Sullivan for her comments. In many cases, this information was already in the public domain but I hope I have clarified it for the Deputy and the women who were concerned now. In respect of the last portion of the Deputy's question concerning other women in Magdalen homes, elements of that are being addressed under the mother and baby homes commission of investigation...

Confidence in Taoiseach and Government: Motion (9 Dec 2014)

Enda Kenny: The result of our strategy was to deliver our country from the bailout almost to the day a year ago, without the need for a second bailout or other conditional arrangements. We also took action to deal with the demons of Ireland's cold and heartless past. In my first speech here as Taoiseach, I spoke about how a wound heals from the edges in. We began immediately to put that healing...

Allegations Regarding Sexual Abuse by Members of the Provisional Republican Movement: Statements (12 Nov 2014)

Enda Kenny: By freeing this and coming generations from the darkness of the past, Ms Cahill views her revelations as a way to open for all of us a door into the light. That light is an all-island peace based not on secrets but on truth, open and declared. Crucially, it is a peace which relates not just to our geographical co-ordinates but which lives in the heart and soul of all who live on this...

Order of Business (1 Jul 2014)

Enda Kenny: ...outside the limit we had set ourselves to have these matters discussed. The problem is that a number of Departments have still not come back with requirements to allow us to bring it to the Dáil and discuss it. I will see to it that the senior officials dealing with the remaining elements respond quickly. In respect of Ballymurphy, I prepared the motion for all party acceptance and...

Ceisteanna - Questions (Resumed): Ministerial Meetings (1 Jul 2014)

Enda Kenny: You may be very happy to engage with Deputy Mathews on that matter. Deputy Martin raised an important and a valid point about the political response in respect of the Executive in Northern Ireland. There will be a meeting of the North-South Ministerial Council on Friday in Dublin, hosted by the Government. I will make a point of raising that with the political personnel who are here. I...

Ceisteanna - Questions (Resumed): Ministerial Meetings (1 Jul 2014)

Enda Kenny: I have tried to articulate my view on this issue on a number of occasions in the past. It is true to say that our people and society were dominated by one church for many decades. Clearly, that brought with it its difficulties and legacies. I am glad there has been a very significant shift in recognising that these legacy issues of the past need to be apologised for, opened up and dealt...

Ceisteanna - Questions (Resumed): Ministerial Meetings (1 Jul 2014)

Enda Kenny: ...a time in our country when women came through a very difficult period, when there was neither respect nor comfort for many. The topics I discussed with the Catholic Church were Northern Ireland; the safeguarding and welfare of children; education matters; protection of life during pregnancy; and I outlined our European Presidency priorities. In respect of Northern Ireland, Cardinal Brady...

Inter-Faith Dialogue (4 Oct 2011)

Enda Kenny: The question of including Bethany Home within the scope of the redress scheme was originally considered in 2004 and was rejected by the Department of Education and Science as there was no evidence of a public body having a regulatory or inspection function. In May 2007, the Department of Health and Children contacted that Department to advise that papers had come to light which indicated a...

Financial Resolution No. 6: General (Resumed) (7 Dec 2006)

Enda Kenny: ...Government has wasted the opportunities it had. The budget provides an opportunity each year for the Government to signal the policy directions required to address the challenges our economy and society face. Those challenges should have been the priority yesterday. It is fundamentally the job of Government to protect the structures and observe the imperatives which drive economic growth...

Criminal Law (Home Defence) Bill 2006: Second Stage. (27 Jun 2006)

Enda Kenny: ...Government what Mrs. Thatcher described as "treachery with a smile on its face". This treachery has not been directed at the Opposition but has taken place between the various factions, federations and pretenders, seen and unseen, within the Government ranks. We have seen the Fianna Fáil backbenchers, the not-so-sweet 16, who had their sudden conversion not on the road to Damascus but on...

Tsunami Disaster: Statements. (26 Jan 2005)

Enda Kenny: One month ago today the people of South-East Asia woke up to hell. Four weeks on that hell continues. For those who have lost everyone and, therefore, everything, there is the possibility it will never end. On St. Stephen's Day, as in so many other countries across the world, the term "tsunami" left the virtual safety of the Discovery Channel to become hard news, replayed endlessly throughout...

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