Results 161-180 of 6,545 for speaker:Seán Kyne
- Seanad: Gambling Regulation Bill 2022: Committee Stage (Resumed) (26 Sep 2024)
Seán Kyne: Next is amendment No. 107, in the name of Senator McDowell.
- Seanad: Gambling Regulation Bill 2022: Committee Stage (Resumed) (26 Sep 2024)
Seán Kyne: Does the Senator have permission from Senator McDowell?
- Seanad: Gambling Regulation Bill 2022: Committee Stage (Resumed) (26 Sep 2024)
Seán Kyne: Senator Keogan is moving it.
- Seanad: Gambling Regulation Bill 2022: Committee Stage (Resumed) (26 Sep 2024)
Seán Kyne: Amendments Nos. 110 to 112, inclusive, 117, 123, 124, 229 to 232, inclusive, 260, 261, 336 and 341 are related and may be discussed together, by agreement.
- Seanad: Gambling Regulation Bill 2022: Committee Stage (Resumed) (26 Sep 2024)
Seán Kyne: Amendments Nos. 113 to 115, inclusive, are related and may be discussed together, by agreement.
- Seanad: Gambling Regulation Bill 2022: Committee Stage (Resumed) (26 Sep 2024)
Seán Kyne: Amendment No. 118 is a Government amendment. Amendments Nos. 118, 119, 143, and 144 are related and may be discussed together by agreement. It that agreed? Agreed.
- Seanad: Gambling Regulation Bill 2022: Committee Stage (Resumed) (26 Sep 2024)
Seán Kyne: We now reach section 80 and Amendment No. 121 in the name of Senator Ward. Amendment Nos. 121, 122, amendments Nos. 125 to 127, inclusive, and amendments Nos. 338 to 340, inclusive, are related. Amendment No. 122 is a physical alternative to amendment No. 121. Amendment Nos. 339 and 340 are a physical alternative to amendment No. 338. Amendments Nos. 121, 122, and 125 to 127, inclusive,...
- Seanad: Gambling Regulation Bill 2022: Committee Stage (Resumed) (26 Sep 2024)
Seán Kyne: I am sorry to interrupt the Senator. As it is 2. 45 p.m., the debate must be adjourned according to the Order of Business of the Seanad today.
- Joint Committee on the Irish Language, the Gaeltacht and the Irish Speaking Community: Cur Chuige an Stáit i gCur Chun Cinn Chóras Gaeloideachais: An tAire Oideachais (25 Sep 2024)
Seán Kyne: Cuirim fáilte roimh an Aire. Is deas í a fheiceáil ag an gcruinniú seo. Tá cúpla ceist agam maidir leis na Gaelcholáistí agus an Ghaeilge. De réir mo thuisceana, tá a lán rudaí in easnamh sa chreat don pholasaí don oideachas lán-Ghaeilge a chuir an Roinn amach cúpla seachtain ó shín. Níl spriocanna...
- Joint Committee on the Irish Language, the Gaeltacht and the Irish Speaking Community: Cur Chuige an Stáit i gCur Chun Cinn Chóras Gaeloideachais: An tAire Oideachais (25 Sep 2024)
Seán Kyne: Gabhaim buíochas leis an Aire as sin. An aontaíonn sí go bhfuil breis dualgais ag múinteoirí sna Gaelcholáistí nach bhfuil ag múinteoirí eile?
- Joint Committee on the Irish Language, the Gaeltacht and the Irish Speaking Community: Cur Chuige an Stáit i gCur Chun Cinn Chóras Gaeloideachais: An tAire Oideachais (25 Sep 2024)
Seán Kyne: Maidir le hobair na boird oideachais agus oiliúna, an gceapann an tAire gur chóir go mbeadh daoine sinsearacha le Gaeilge ar na boird nuair atá siad ag déileáil leis na Gaeltachtaí agus scoileanna sna Gaeltachtaí? Tá sé ráite nach bhfuil orthu daoine atá líofa sa Ghaeilge a earcú le haghaidh poist stiúrtha sinsearacha....
- Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health: Update on Construction of New National Children's Hospital: National Paediatric Hospital Development Board (25 Sep 2024)
Seán Kyne: I welcome the witnesses. Having been on-site on two occasions with the committee, it is clear it is a very impressive building. It will be a world-class facility. At some stage these issues will be resolved and it will be about the care and well-being of children. The issue is we do not know when that will be. We do not know how many additional costs will be incurred between now and then....
- Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health: Update on Construction of New National Children's Hospital: National Paediatric Hospital Development Board (25 Sep 2024)
Seán Kyne: There is an issue between the number of claims and the value of the claims. These are clearly disputed. Mr. Gunning said in his statement that 1,648 claims are disputed but of those, 1,106 claims have a disputed value of less than €10,000. It adds up to €1.83 million, which is a sum of money, but is not in the order of the issues we are dealing with. There is an issue with...
- Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health: Update on Construction of New National Children's Hospital: National Paediatric Hospital Development Board (25 Sep 2024)
Seán Kyne: Okay. It was reported in the media during the week that following visits by certain doctors or consultants that a number of the rooms were not wheelchair accessible. Is that the case, and how in God's name would it be true if that is the case?
- Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health: Update on Construction of New National Children's Hospital: National Paediatric Hospital Development Board (25 Sep 2024)
Seán Kyne: It was reported again at the weekend.
- Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health: Update on Construction of New National Children's Hospital: National Paediatric Hospital Development Board (25 Sep 2024)
Seán Kyne: That is an important clarification.
- Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health: Update on Construction of New National Children's Hospital: National Paediatric Hospital Development Board (25 Sep 2024)
Seán Kyne: It is an important clarification. I apologise, I missed the private meeting yesterday. It is something that was reported at the weekend, so it is an important clarification.
- Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health: Update on Construction of New National Children's Hospital: National Paediatric Hospital Development Board (25 Sep 2024)
Seán Kyne: I take up Deputy Kenny's point. Some 94% of the building is complete. That is positive. However, the witnesses are saying that the issues relate to what are more than snags and are important issues relating to completing the sign-off of the individual rooms. Were those issues that could not have been seen in the oversight as the building and the first rooms were going along? Could they...
- Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health: Update on Construction of New National Children's Hospital: National Paediatric Hospital Development Board (25 Sep 2024)
Seán Kyne: Is the issue that equipment was not put in, or that the wrong type of equipment was put in, instead of putting in the correct equipment?
- Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health: Update on Construction of New National Children's Hospital: National Paediatric Hospital Development Board (25 Sep 2024)
Seán Kyne: Ventilation and ceiling issues were mentioned. Was something done wrong in every room that could have been sorted at the start if they were inspected?