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Results 161-180 of 183 for likes to work speaker:Brendan Griffin

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Written Answers — Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport: Roads Maintenance Funding (17 Jun 2014)

Brendan Griffin: 758. To ask the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport if he will establish a working group to investigate ways of clearing the long lists of local improvement scheme applicants nationwide; if he will consider proposals like allowing the applicants to contribute a greater amount of the cost if they are willing; if he will ring-fence funding for local authorities for LIS jobs only; if he...

Topical Issue Debate: Medicinal Products Supply (10 Jun 2014)

Brendan Griffin: I thank the Minister of State, Deputy White, for coming to the House to respond to this matter. I first became aware of this problem on Facebook, when a constituent tagged me on a post uploaded by a young Galway woman in relation to the circumstances facing her family, particularly her mother who suffers from MS. Rather than try to describe the situation I propose to read into the record...

Road Traffic Bill 2013: Second Stage [Private Members] (22 Nov 2013)

Brendan Griffin: First, I commend Deputy Dooley on his introduction of this Bill. It is very welcome and I commend him on his work. I certainly look forward to the forthcoming proposals from the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport on the Bill and some amendments thereto. I listened to the sister of a hit-and-run victim who appeared on radio this morning. Obviously, she and her family are...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Social Protection: Youth Guarantee: Discussion (6 Nov 2013)

Brendan Griffin: I thank the witnesses for their presentations. There is a major role for the universities and the institutes of technology in terms of tackling youth unemployment. I would like to hear the witnesses views on whether they believe there is a role for increased levels of research and development in the universities and institutes of technology and whether that could be brought about through...

Topical Issue Debate: VAT Rate Reductions (25 Sep 2013)

Brendan Griffin: I again urge the Minister to see if there is any way to continue with this rate. It is very worthwhile. It has worked and is a beacon for other sectors of the economy. Seeing tourism-related and labour-intensive industries growing jobs gives hope to other areas, for example, construction, which accounts for 100,000 or one-quarter of the people on the live register. They could potentially...

Topical Issue Debate: Ambulance Service Response Times (25 Jun 2013)

Brendan Griffin: I thank the Minister for his response, but I need to emphasise that this reform is not like the SUSI grants system or the medical card system in respect of which there have been teething problems. There can be no scope for teething problems in the change of this system. The consequences of a failure in the system are a matter of life or death. Therefore, it needs to work 100% correctly all...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Social Protection: Social Welfare Appeals: Discussion with Department of Social Protection (20 Feb 2013)

Brendan Griffin: I thank the officials from for coming to this meeting. I appreciate the presentation they have made and the excellent quality of their answers to our questions. We do not always have that level of insight and openness from delegates. The level of detail provided can sometimes be a little skimpy, but it has been helpful today. I acknowledge the importance of the work of the appeals...

Promissory Notes Arrangement: Motion (Resumed) (13 Feb 2013)

Brendan Griffin: I want to echo the wise and informed words of my colleague, Deputy O'Reilly, whose contribution this evening was spot on. I warmly welcome and support the Government's motion on this issue. The deal that was achieved by the Taoiseach, the Tánaiste, the Minister for Finance and their team in Europe last week was simply remarkable. We can all be very proud of it because it is a...

Order of Business (13 Feb 2013)

Brendan Griffin: Before asking the Taoiseach about the universities (amendment) Bill, I take this opportunity formally to congratulate him, on behalf of the people of Kerry, on the work he did for our country in Europe last week. What he did last week represents a fantastic achievement. I would like that fact to be recorded.

Electoral (Amendment) (Dáil Constituencies) Bill 2012: Second Stage (Resumed) (24 Jan 2013)

Brendan Griffin: I will share time with Deputy Deering. I welcome the opportunity to speak on this important matter. It was interesting to hear the contributions of some of the previous speakers on this matter. Obviously, the constituency boundary review is necessary because of changes and movements in population, and I acknowledge the work that has been done in putting the review in place. Certainly, a...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Social Protection: Student Grant Application System: Discussion with SUSI (13 Nov 2012)

Brendan Griffin: I have a couple of questions. To echo what Deputy O'Brien said, the statement that worried me most this morning was that the system is working. It clearly is not. Does the delegation not accept this? Does it acknowledge the considerable distress and hardship experienced by applicants? As Deputy Daly and others said, SUSI should apologise to the applicants. If the delegation acknowledges...

Topical Issue Debate: Job Retention (27 Sep 2012)

Brendan Griffin: I thank the Minister for his response. I point out that we have some success stories in Kerry, namely, Liebherr, which is a crane manufacturing facility in Killarney and a huge employer in Kerry, and Fexco, which is a fantastic success story, as is the Kerry Group. We also have opportunities to expand our tourism industry, particularly into the winter months. In addition, the Shannon LNG...

Topical Issue Debate: Job Retention (27 Sep 2012)

Brendan Griffin: I welcome the opportunity to raise this important matter. I refer to the threatened loss of 30 jobs at the Simpson Strongtie manufacturing plant in Killorglin, County Kerry. I understand the company informed IDA Ireland recently that it had decided to exit the European safety bolt market. It subsequently announced its plans to sell its European business interests which include the facility...

Freedom of Information (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 2012: Second Stage (6 Jul 2012)

Brendan Griffin: I welcome the opportunity to speak on this Bill. I would like to share time with Deputy Terence Flanagan. I would like to acknowledge the work Deputy Fleming has put in to the preparation of this Bill, which is very progressive. Accountability is so important, not just in these Houses, but across all public bodies, and across bodies that are in receipt of substantial public finance as...

Microenterprise Loan Fund Bill 2012: Second Stage (Resumed) (27 Jun 2012)

Brendan Griffin: I warmly welcome this Bill. When enacted, this legislation will provide a vital lifeline to microenterprises that are currently starved of vital credit. The biggest single problem facing our economy and future economic prosperity currently is the lack of credit available to businesses. We have heard many examples of such cases in the contributions made here this evening. This Bill is good...

Irish Film Board (Amendment) Bill 2011: Second Stage (Resumed) (16 Nov 2011)

Brendan Griffin: While the Irish Film Board (Amendment) Bill 2011 is technical in nature, it gives us an opportunity to discuss matters of importance to the industry. My great interest in Irish film might spawn from the fact my father worked on "Ryan's Daughter" back in 1969 before I was even a thought in his mind. The economic importance of the film industry is evident in how the location of this film in...

Industrial Relations (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 2011: Second Stage (7 Oct 2011)

Brendan Griffin: I am sharing time with Deputies English and Buttimer. I am grateful for the opportunity to speak to this Bill. When I spoke about this very important matter in July, I said that although we needed legislation in this area, we could not rush it and that we needed to ensure it was correct and steady. I still stand by that opinion. I spoke about the need to protect lower paid workers and...

Road Traffic (No. 2) Bill 2011 [Seanad]: Second Stage (Resumed) (6 Oct 2011)

Brendan Griffin: I welcome the opportunity to speak on this Bill. Some excellent speeches have been made by Deputies on Second Stage. I hope the Minister and his colleagues will take some of the positive ideas and suggestions proposed by various speakers into account when they are formulating future policy. I welcome any measure aimed at reducing the number of deaths and injuries on our nation's roads. It...

National Tourism Development Authority (Amendment) Bill 2011: Second Stage (Resumed) (29 Sep 2011)

Brendan Griffin: I am grateful for the opportunity to speak on this Bill which, although technical in nature, has an important purpose. It gives us a chance to discuss the overall state of the tourism industry in addition to considering the many ideas and suggestions that have arisen in the course of this debate. Deputies have clear ideas on how the country's tourism product can be enhanced by various...

Public Health (Tobacco) (Amendment) Bill 2011 [Seanad]: Second and Subsequent Stages (15 Jul 2011)

Brendan Griffin: years ago but could not have done it without the introduction of the smoking ban. We may often be critical of the former Minister for Health and Children, Deputy Martin, who is not present today, but that was one of the most progressive steps ever taken by an Irish Government to tackle smoking. It has had positive ramifications. At the time, I felt there should have been a...

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