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Results 141-160 of 297 for likes to work speaker:Paul Murphy

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Working from Home (Covid-19) Bill 2020: Second Stage [Private Members] (18 Nov 2020)

Paul Murphy: Workers want to live; they do not just want to exist and to live to work. They deserve not just decent wages, but also a proper work-life balance. In recent years we have seen big corporations trying to squeeze every last drop of energy and productivity out of their workforces, expecting them to be always on and always available. Instead of freeing people up to live their lives, new...

Select Committee on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation: Estimates for Public Services 2020
Vote 32 - Business, Enterprise and Innovation (Revised)
(18 Nov 2020)

Paul Murphy: I would like to check something the Tánaiste said as I may have picked it up wrong. I think he said, in response to Deputy O'Reilly, that in respect of Covid, one is statistically safer being at work than at home. Did I hear the Tánaiste correctly and, if so, could he explain that?

Scrambler Motorbikes and Quad Bikes: Motion [Private Members] (17 Nov 2020)

Paul Murphy: I listened to the Minister's speech and I was struck by how out of touch the Government is as regards seeing how significant an issue this is. That is nothing personal. This is a huge issue for working-class communities. The dangerous, irresponsible and unsafe use of scramblers and quad bikes is a scourge for working-class communities. It should be a major political issue but it is not...

Finance Bill 2020: Second Stage (Resumed) (5 Nov 2020)

Paul Murphy: ...of millionaires looking after the billionaires. Not only are we in the middle of a health crisis, but let us not forget the housing crisis. Yet in this Finance Bill the Government proposes to extend a tax break for major developers which actually encourages them to hoard land for even longer. The Government stamp duty refund scheme proposals will not only hand over more money to some of...

Residential Tenancies (Extension of Eviction Ban) Bill 2020: First Stage (22 Oct 2020)

Paul Murphy: I move: That leave be granted to introduce a Bill entitled an Act to extend the ban on evictions and rent increases and for that purpose to amend the Residential Tenancies Act 2004. At the start of this month as it became clear that we were facing a second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic and a second wave of restrictions, we drafted this Bill to restore the full ban on evictions and rent...

Emergency Measures in the Public Interest (Covid-19) Act 2020 - Part 5: Motion (22 Oct 2020)

Paul Murphy: I am opposed to the extension of the sunset clause for this and for the other matter we are debating today. Fundamentally, the Government is attempting to compensate for its mess-ups, blunders and lack of a clear strategy in dealing with Covid by doubling down on repressive measures. That relates more to the second element of what we are discussing today, but the two elements are related....

Financial Resolutions 2020 - Financial Resolution No. 7: General (Resumed) (15 Oct 2020)

Paul Murphy: I responded to the core parts of the budget on Tuesday evening and will focus now on how it will do nothing for workers. I will speak particularly about three different groups of workers in a struggle, the first of whom are the Debenhams workers. They have now been involved in a dispute with their former employer for more than six months, since they were thrown on the scrapheap in a...

Financial Resolution No. 4: Corporation Tax (13 Oct 2020)

Paul Murphy: I would like the Minister to come back and explain what is happening here in some detail. The explanatory note we were sent, to which Deputy Boyd Barrett referred, simply says that the resolution amends the balancing charge rules in section 288 of the Taxes Consolidation Act 1997 to ensure that Ireland's tax regime for intellectual property is fully consistent with international best...

Financial Resolutions 2020 - Budget Statement 2021 (13 Oct 2020)

Paul Murphy: I wish to draw attention to something the Ceann Comhairle mentioned at the start of today's debate. He asked all Deputies not to distribute the contents of the budget before the budget speeches were completed. We were not permitted to take the documents out of the room, but the Tánaiste did just that. Before the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform had even stood up to deliver...

Covid-19 Pandemic Unemployment Payment: Motion [Private Members] (7 Oct 2020)

Paul Murphy: ...of public health advice in general in an extremely dangerous way, but by his newfound concern for ordinary people. All of a sudden, Deputy Leo Varadkar is a champion of mental health, opposed to poverty and stands up for the ordinary worker. He forgot how it was his Government which slashed the budget for mental health in the last term. He forgot that, just last week, he voted against a...

Forestry (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2020 [Seanad]: Second Stage (Resumed) (30 Sep 2020)

Paul Murphy: ...time with Deputy Boyd Barrett. It is clear from the figures, and from any visible comparison of Ireland with other European countries, that we have a problem with afforestation here. There is a total of 11% in Ireland, versus an EU average of 30%, and very low levels of afforestation at the moment, combined with higher harvesting rates. It is a problem that needs to be addressed but it...

Animal Health and Welfare (Ban on Hare Coursing) Bill 2020: First Stage (16 Sep 2020)

Paul Murphy: I move: That leave be granted to introduce a Bill entitled an Act to prohibit the coursing of hares with dogs and for that purpose to amend the Wildlife Act 1976 and the Animal Health and Welfare Act 2013, to make consequential and other amendments to the Greyhound Industry Act 1958 and other Acts relating to such coursing and to provide for related matters. I am very proud to introduce...

Nomination of Member of the Government: Motion (2 Sep 2020)

Paul Murphy: Deputy McConalogue will today become the fourth Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine in four months and nothing sums up the dumpster fire that is this Government as succinctly as the revolving door at the Department. It goes around, bringing in a new Minister each month. We started lockdown with the former Minister, Deputy Creed, who rushed to the defence of the meat plant owners,...

Special Committee on Covid-19 Response: Covid-19: Review of the Reopening of Schools (2 Sep 2020)

Paul Murphy: I thank the witnesses for their presentations. I want to ask about high-risk teachers. It seems absolutely scandalous that teachers with significant underlying conditions are being compelled to go back to work in circumstances where their doctors or consultants are saying it is unsafe to do so. There does not seem to be any guarantee that this issue has been dealt with or that the...

Financial Provisions (Covid-19) (No. 2) Bill 2020: Second Stage (Resumed) (29 Jul 2020)

Paul Murphy: The way the Government and the political establishment have been marketing the July stimulus, one would think that it was going to transform the economy, that it will be a landmark for the Government and will show that it is up to the tasks ahead of it. The reality, however, is that the stimulus package is socially unjust and regressive and is economically irrational from the point of view...

Special Committee on Covid-19 Response: Impact of Covid-19: People with Disabilities (17 Jul 2020)

Paul Murphy: I thank all those who have given presentations. I will hone on the question of carers. I have been in touch with a number of different carers, including Faye Hayden and Linda Comerford, who are part of the Enough is Enough - Every Voice Counts group. I understand that group is organising a protest next Wednesday at 12.30 p.m. at the Convention Centre to demand the reopening of adult day...

Estimates for Public Services 2020 - Vote 32 - Business, Enterprise and Innovation (Revised) (30 Jun 2020)

Paul Murphy: ...and micro businesses, such as arts workers, small coffee shops, restaurants, tradespeople and taxi drivers. They need more support at this time be it grant aid, which is preferable, or easy access to very low interest loans. I am, however, opposed to the utilisation of the stories of those small, family-run coffee shops being put to the forefront to cover up for a substantial amount of...

Special Committee on Covid-19 Response: Covid-19: Impact on the Fiscal Position (16 Jun 2020)

Paul Murphy: Reference was made to an overlap with or mapping onto phase 3 of IFAC's plan. The programme for government, regarding that period, refers to utilising taxation and expenditure measures to close the deficit, while IFAC refers to phase 3 being a period of fiscal consolidation to bring the debt-to-GNI* ratio down. It seems to me that IFAC is at pains to avoid describing this as a period of...

Climate Action and Low Carbon Development: Statements (10 Jun 2020)

Paul Murphy: I also want to make an appeal to Green Party members not to go into government with Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael. If the Green Party allows itself to be used as a green mudguard for the pre-existing neoliberal and austerity policies of Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael, it will represent a substantial setback for the environmental movement. It will not be a step forward in any sense. It...

Covid-19 (Defence): Statements (3 Jun 2020)

Paul Murphy: From day one, members of the Defence Forces have got stuck in to help fight the impacts of this pandemic. They have transported PPE, helped with testing and tracing and much more besides. Like retail workers, cleaners and other essential workers, they have worked throughout the crisis, in many instances putting their health and lives and those of their families at risk in order to keep...

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