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Results 141-160 of 2,212 for this speaker:Joe O'Toole

Seanad: Order of Business (24 Nov 2010)

Joe O'Toole: ...IMF and Europe. The Opposition parties have accepted that aspect of it. It is also important to recognise that the IMF and our European partners do not have exactly the same level of interest in this. The IMF has a vested interest in this country growing and coming out of this, whereas some of our European friends are competitors in the marketplace of taxation. We need to be clear...

Seanad: Order of Business (23 Nov 2010)

Joe O'Toole: ...should they wish to do so. What Senator Fitzgerald said is correct: in the interests of the country, we need to move forward with the budgetary process. The budget should go through. In this regard, the Taoiseach has a responsibility not just to lift the telephone and contact the leaders of the Opposition parties but also to open the books in a completely open and trusting manner and...

Seanad: Death of Member: Expressions of Sympathy (17 Nov 2010)

Joe O'Toole: Let me raise one technical matter, something which always upsets me on these occasions. I note that on the television monitors the late Senator is referred to as Mr. Kieran Phelan. This happens every time there are tributes. To us, Kieran is still a senatorial colleague and will always remain so.

Seanad: Death of Member: Expressions of Sympathy (17 Nov 2010)

Joe O'Toole: I have asked about this before and ask that it be corrected on future occasions. It is important because we are speaking about our late colleague. We will miss Kieran's good humour and warm personality. We can only imagine how his death impacts on his family and friends. I speak on behalf of my colleagues on the Independent benches, on whose behalf I extend our deepest condolences. We...

Seanad: Order of Business (17 Nov 2010)

Joe O'Toole: The issues we raised yesterday about the best decisions for Europe and for Ireland are finally coming into focus and the reality is that this is a European issue and a bank issue in this country. We need to understand those things and to decide on the best way forward. I do not know the answers and I do not know the positions of any of the parties. I do not know the Government position on...

Seanad: Order of Business (17 Nov 2010)

Joe O'Toole: We can learn from the issues arising from those horrific, tragic and appalling events. There is the question of mental health and how we deal with it in this country. If one ties those stories together with the series on suicide running in The Irish Times, we have to ask ourselves where we are going in terms of our mental health and what provisions we are putting in place to deal with...

Seanad: Chemicals (Amendment) Bill 2010: Second Stage (16 Nov 2010)

Joe O'Toole: ...the chemicals industry employs almost 30,000 people. The Minister and Senator Carty realise the importance of the industry to their county. The reason the chemicals industry continues to grow in this country and is responsible for approximately 10% of gross domestic product is there is confidence therein because of regulation. With respect to my friend and colleague, Senator Quinn, he...

Seanad: Order of Business (16 Nov 2010)

Joe O'Toole: the country. It also takes the view that even a threat not to pay back these bonds would cause such damage to the country's reputation as to make any such move unaffordable. I have supported this view until now. The reason I no longer support it is that it has created a moral hazard because reckless, irresponsible and uncaring currency traders and bond marketeers around the world now...

Seanad: Order of Business (16 Nov 2010)

Joe O'Toole: ..., when it was scandalous even to use the word "bailout", now seek to bully Ireland into accepting a bailout. We need to know exactly what is being done. I do not mind if Ireland accepts money if this needs to be done, but I am not convinced by those who have changed their views at various times in the past year. Under no circumstances should we work on the basis that we have to sort out...

Seanad: Order of Business (11 Nov 2010)

Joe O'Toole: Over recent days I have sought from the Leader an indication of the Government's response to the motion that was passed in the House last week. I have given this some serious consideration and have spoken to graduates of DCU and the University of Limerick. Graduates of these institutions have been deprived of a Seanad vote for the past 30 years since the people's decision in the 1979...

Seanad: Order of Business (11 Nov 2010)

Joe O'Toole: This is important infrastructure and its construction will create up to 6,000 jobs, which will mean wages churning into the economy. In addition, I ask the Government to accept the proposal from Siemens Ireland, which I mentioned to the Leader before, to install a water meter in every house in Ireland at its own expense. This would represent a free loan of €1.1 billion to the Government,...

Seanad: Order of Business (10 Nov 2010)

Joe O'Toole: This is a very important week in European history. In most of the countries of western Europe there is a remarkable memory spreagtha on 11 November each year. I made this point some years ago in the Seanad and I raise it again. We in this House showed a lot of support for the Shot at Dawn campaign. We have shown a lot of support over the years for what has happened in our history. Many...

Seanad: Order of Business (9 Nov 2010)

Joe O'Toole: ...had built a house against a business or some other arrangement. They did not just involve cases of people losing their homes, if any. I agree with Senator Fitzgerald's points, but any debate on this matter must be focused purely on the people who are losing their homes because of mortgage repayment difficulties, not on those who use their homes to buy six houses one after the other. Last...

Seanad: Order of Business (9 Nov 2010)

Joe O'Toole: Will the Leader inform the House where next with this matter? Over the weekend the main Opposition party published a policy document, Reinventing Government. It contains many proposals with which I disagree, but it is an intriguing and innovative document that raises issues that need to be discussed. It contains many positive proposals which I welcome and at which the Government should look...

Seanad: Order of Business (4 Nov 2010)

Joe O'Toole: ...Court is an attempt to stop people from voting. That is just a logical position. However, the Senator's earlier points were absolutely correct. An issue needs to be addressed and determined in this regard. I consider what is occurring as an extraordinary use of taxpayer's money and I am concerned about the separation of powers.

Seanad: Order of Business (4 Nov 2010)

Joe O'Toole: the decision of the High Court yesterday. On the basis of the importance of the Houses of Parliament regulating their own affairs, it took a decision last night of which I approve. Similarly, this House took a decision last night. It may not be completely in line with the Government's policy, but the Seanad is a House of the Oireachtas and its decision was made democratically. The...

Seanad: Order of Business (4 Nov 2010)

Joe O'Toole: I do not know what we can make of the fact that this is the most attractive country for foreign direct investment, but I am delighted about this also. I am also delighted that the value of our exports in the third quarter of the year is the highest it has ever been. These are important points. There are steps that can be taken. Why will the Government not take a decision on the metro north...

Seanad: Order of Business (4 Nov 2010)

Joe O'Toole: I do not mind Senators disagreeing with me on this, but they should listen to what I have to say first. Siemens Ireland which has been based in this country since it gained independence and which built the Ardnacrusha power generating station offered to put in place for free water meters in every home. This would create jobs and a new conduit for the Government. We should take advantage of...

Seanad: Seanad Reform: Motion (3 Nov 2010)

Joe O'Toole: ...for the time given to the motion and the various speakers who contributed. It has been a very interesting debate, but I am totally discouraged. I have spent 24 years trying to make movement on this issue, but no movement has taken place. I am glad Senator Mullen made his concluding points. My criticism of the system of election is not to be taken as a criticism of the people who come...

Seanad: Seanad Reform: Motion (3 Nov 2010)

Joe O'Toole: ...she will register. I welcome the Minister of State to the House. I understand the senior Minister is dealing with a crucial legislation in the other House. I have no doubt he will keep an eye on this motion. I could stand up here and say "ditto" or "the same again" because it is embarrassing that this topic has been discussed many times in the House. This Chamber is not fulfilling its...

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