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Results 101-120 of 297 for likes to work speaker:Paul Murphy

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Data Centre Moratorium: Motion [Private Members] (29 Sep 2021)

Paul Murphy: I would like to quote Moody's Investor Service from two years ago where they commented on the prospect of energy prices rising in Ireland: The key driver behind this rising demand is the huge electricity appetite of the country’s data centres, estimated to rise to 29% of total demand by 2028, coupled with the ongoing closure of coal, peat and gas plants, which are pressuring reserve...

Freedom of Information: Motion [Private Members] (15 Sep 2021)

Paul Murphy: ..., "I do not, as standard, keep text messages" was not said by the Minister, Deputy Coveney, but by the Tánaiste on 5 November 2020. On 31 August 2021, Deputy Coveney stated: "I do not hold on to text messages for long periods in terms of data on my phone and so on." On 7 September 2021, he also stated that he cleared texts from his phones regularly when business was done, or...

Health (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 2021: Committee and Remaining Stages (14 Jul 2021)

Paul Murphy: That was an interesting contribution to follow because, in fairness, it was an honest defence of the Government's position. I do not agree with it and I will explain why. This is unjust. It is absolutely unjust and unfair to discriminate against people on the basis of their vaccination status. It is doubly unjust to do so at a time when almost half of the adult population has not had the...

Ceisteanna - Questions: National Economic and Social Council (14 Jul 2021)

Paul Murphy: I also want to focus on the question of quality employment. I will return to some of the questions I posed to the Taoiseach yesterday, on which I received no answers, regarding the so-called work placement experience programme, which is a new free labour scheme for employers where workers will get less than the pandemic unemployment payment, PUP, and are expected to live below the poverty...

Finance (Local Property Tax) (Amendment) Bill 2021: Second Stage (13 Jul 2021)

Paul Murphy: I am listening to this debate and some people here are in need of a history lesson, as well as perhaps a mathematical lesson in terms of what progressivity means and what it is meant to relate to, which is income and wealth. In any case, I will deal with the history lesson first. The local property tax was first introduced in 2013 as part of the Fine Gael and the Labour Party Government's...

Civil Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2021: Second Stage (30 Jun 2021)

Paul Murphy: I believe this to be a very poor approach by the Government. There is something quite undemocratic about an approach that takes a Bill to do with licensing, outdoor drinking and so on and that includes in that Bill an increase in the number of High Court judges. It means that it is not the focal point of the debate and discussion. Something that is not urgent and which should be part of a...

Ceisteanna - Questions: Cabinet Committees (30 Jun 2021)

Paul Murphy: ...heard about the undocumented Irish living in the United States. Less commented upon are the approximately 20,000 undocumented people from outside the EU who are living in Ireland, including 2,000 to 3,000 children. It has been reported that almost a quarter of those people are earning below the minimum wage, with nearly half of them working more than 40 hours a week. They are facing...

Industrial Relations (Provisions in Respect of Pension Entitlements of Retired Workers) Bill 2021: Second Stage [Private Members] (30 Jun 2021)

Paul Murphy: I pay tribute to Deputy Bríd Smith and the People Before Profit activists involved in working on this Bill. In particular, pay tribute to the organisations of retired workers that have campaigned and fought on this issue and sought change. There is an extremely long list of them that is too long to read out. There is a crucial context to the Bill, which is often apparent in the...

State Pension Age: Motion [Private Members] (22 Jun 2021)

Paul Murphy: I am sharing time with Deputy Bríd Smith. I first want to make a point that is relevant to this motion and to a number of other motions passed by the Dáil in the past number of weeks. The Government is taking an extraordinarily cynical approach to motions brought forward by the Opposition in that it is supporting them, with no intention of doing anything about the issues raised....

Ceisteanna - Questions: Cabinet Committees (22 Jun 2021)

Paul Murphy: Yesterday, the ESRI issued a report which refutes the key justification the Government has put forward for cutting the pandemic unemployment payment, PUP, in September. For months we have had to listen to millionaire business owners, like Pat McDonagh of Supermac's, calling for cuts to the PUP and claiming it was so high it meant that workers were better off not working. Yesterday's ESRI...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation: Reactivation of Economy Following Pandemic Restrictions: Discussion (16 Jun 2021)

Paul Murphy: I thank Dr. Bambrick. My final points are for Mr. McDonnell. His submission states SMEs now need "a bailout with recovery funds ... on favourable terms of at least €15 billion to reboot the recovery of society and our economy". I am not necessarily opposed to his suggestion but I would have to see the details of what such bailouts would look like. He also mentioned that two...

An Bille um an Naoú Leasú is Tríocha ar an mBunreacht (Ceart chun Tithíochta) 2020: An Dara Céim [Comhaltaí Príobháideacha] - Thirty-ninth Amendment of the Constitution (Right to Housing) Bill 2020: Second Stage [Private Members] (3 Jun 2021)

Paul Murphy: The Government, for years, has hidden behind the Constitution. It has hidden its class interest, the class interest of those it represents, behind the Constitution or has attempted to do so. It has avoided taking action that would resolve the housing crisis but hurt the profits of those who benefit from the housing crisis because it represents those who benefit - the developers, the...

Ceisteanna - Questions: Economic Policy (2 Jun 2021)

Paul Murphy: This national reform programme talks about climate action but, like so much else from the Government, the talk and the actions do not add up. At the same time as the fine talk, the Environmental Protection Agency, EPA, has given the green light to Irish Cement to start burning a million tyres a year in its cement kiln in Limerick city. How on earth in this day and age can it be acceptable...

Saincheisteanna Tráthúla - Topical Issue Debate: Tax Code (2 Jun 2021)

Paul Murphy: ...the aftermath of the household tax. People Before Profit warned at that time that if it was introduced it would rise and rise and that is precisely what is happening. The Government is proposing to hike up the property tax by approximately €100 for one in three households. That €100 might be small change for Ministers but for many households it is a big increase,...

Situation in Belarus: Motion (1 Jun 2021)

Paul Murphy: What happened here was the de facto hijacking of a Ryanair flight by Belarusian intelligence operatives to arrest a political dissident. It is very clear, despite the attempted obfuscation by the regime, that that is precisely what took place. These are the actions of a desperate dictator. Lukashenko has been in power for 27 years. They are actions that People Before Profit absolutely...

Health (Amendment) Act 2021: Motion (27 May 2021)

Paul Murphy: I will make a number of points. The first is that mandatory hotel quarantine saves lives. It was a crucial part of the zero Covid strategy that was successfully implemented in some countries. The difference in death rates between countries that adopted a variant of that strategy versus those that did not is striking. In New Zealand, there has been a total of 26 deaths. It has a similar...

Health and Criminal Justice (Covid-19) (Amendment) Bill 2021 [Seanad]: Second Stage (26 May 2021)

Paul Murphy: People Before Profit will be opposing this Bill. Unlike most of the Opposition, we also opposed the pervious extension of the emergency powers in October 2020. We again oppose their extension for the same reasons, which have only become clearer over the course of the last six months. Once again, we are being asked to approve the extension of draconian emergency powers without any review...

Situation in Occupied Palestinian Territory and Israel: Statements (20 May 2021)

Paul Murphy: ...people of Gaza. We are now on day 11. More than 200 Palestinians have been killed, including more than 60 children. Lynch mobs are roaming the streets of cities within Israel, shouting slogans like "Death to Arabs", backed up by state forces targeting Palestinians. Ethnic cleansing is continuing in East Jerusalem. What was the response of the international community, from US President...

Ceisteanna - Questions: Taoiseach's Meetings and Engagements (19 May 2021)

Paul Murphy: ...cleansing in East Jerusalem. Neither was there any mention of the pogroms being carried out by far-right Israeli activists in Israel, with the backing of state forces, against Palestinians. Likewise, there was no mention of the bombs raining down on Gaza, not even the kind of mealy-mouthed false equivalence that the Taoiseach himself likes to engage in. It shows that the official...

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