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Results 101-120 of 608 for likes to work speaker:Catherine Murphy

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European Arrest Warrant (Amendment) Bill 2022: Second Stage (23 Mar 2022)

Catherine Murphy: The Social Democrats will support the Bill, which is largely technical in nature. It amends aspects of the European Arrest Warrant Act 2003 to ensure compliance with the 2002 framework decision on the European arrest warrant and the surrender procedures between the member states. As others have noted, every few weeks we come to the House and talk about having to do better about our need to...

Proposal for a Council Decision on Hate Speech and Hate Crime: Motion (9 Mar 2022)

Catherine Murphy: ...hate crime really have a ripple effect. The fear and anxiety caused by crimes resonate through communities and through generations. Targeting people on the basis of their identity sends a message to every other person in that community that they are not safe and they do not belong. It undermines the core values we strive for in society of equality, diversity and inclusion, and it...

Flexible and Remote Work: Motion [Private Members] (9 Mar 2022)

Catherine Murphy: I thank the Labour Party for introducing this motion. I am aware it had intended to bring a particular Bill through to Committee Stage during its Private Members' time. I have worked on similar legislation. Bill Browder came over and met parliamentarians to try to get a Magnitsky Act concluded here. I share the Labour Party's frustration. I have equally found the process a very...

Public Accounts Committee: Business of Committee (3 Mar 2022)

Catherine Murphy: ...line. They are in a process. One of the issues I raised with the NTA was the prospect of a parallel process for some additional extensions. The argument made by the NTA is that if we were to go back to the beginning the process would be delayed. There is no reason, however, that there could not be a separate process to add on some additional projects. The DART+ south west project, for...

Public Accounts Committee: 2020 Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General and Appropriation Accounts
Residential Tenancies Board - Financial Statements 2020
(24 Feb 2022)

Catherine Murphy: I want to focus on two particular issues. In regard to the difference between corporate landlords and the individual landlord, from what we can see the rents of the corporate landlords are higher. Is the RTB gathering information in that regard? One of the criticisms is that corporate landlords can leave properties vacant and increase demand as a consequence. Is that an aspect that the...

Public Accounts Committee: Business of Committee (17 Feb 2022)

Catherine Murphy: For clarity in respect of how we proceed on this, we know we are waiting for the accounts to be signed off and, realistically, it will be mid-year or maybe quarter 3. It is a distinct piece of work and will take time. There are other issues, however, on which we are writing to the Department and they are part of another work stream, if you like. We are talking about dealing with those...

Public Accounts Committee: Business of Committee (17 Feb 2022)

Catherine Murphy: When you go looking for the website now, you are told it is now offline. It was a very useful database that was open source and widely used. This was terminated at very short notice. It has been reported that the people operating it basically found out by way of an FOI request that was subsequently published in one of the newspapers. According to the Department's response, it was a...

Public Accounts Committee: 2020 Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General and Appropriation Accounts
Vote 29 - Environment, Climate and Communications
National Broadband Plan Expenditure and Related Matters
(10 Feb 2022)

Catherine Murphy: Mr. Griffin about the number of consultants involved in the oversight and the legal and technical side of this. Is there anything within the work those consultants are doing that could be done by augmenting the Department? If so, has an application for resources been made? I know this is very different from TII and I accept all that it deals with much larger construction projects. Will...

Redundancy Payments (Amendment) Bill 2022: Second Stage (3 Feb 2022)

Catherine Murphy: I apologise. I have come straight from the Committee on Public Accounts to the Chamber and I had to negotiate several flights of stairs in between. Like many aspects of the Covid-19 pandemic, the full impact on the workforce is probably yet to be seen. It will likely take years for us to fully comprehend the massive shifts that have and are taking place. The Department’s estimate is...

Public Accounts Committee: Business of Committee (3 Feb 2022)

Catherine Murphy: Unlike Revenue, the Statute of Limitations does not apply to this. It is confirming in writing what most of us probably knew. It is welcome to have that. The process is they will go through 500 individual employment files. That is a piece of work they should be left to do but we should definitely put it on the work programme coming towards the end of the year to ask for an update about...

Cancer Care: Motion [Private Members] (2 Feb 2022)

Catherine Murphy: I thank all the Deputies for their contributions on and support for this motion. I also welcome the return of people to the Gallery who have a particular interest in this area. I acknowledge Erica Tierney. She is the patient advocate in my area and we chat regularly. We purposely kept this motion narrow and focused because we think this is something that can be done. The Minister of...

Public Accounts Committee: National Transport Authority: Financial Statements 2020 (27 Jan 2022)

Catherine Murphy: We all acknowledge that transport will be one of the three big areas we will have to deal with. We have to achieve a modal shift. That has got to be the objective, not least because of our climate obligations and the crisis the planet is in but also because there is a very strong economic reason. We need our public transport services to connect and work. I am a strong advocate of public...

Public Accounts Committee: National Transport Authority: Financial Statements 2020 (27 Jan 2022)

Catherine Murphy: It is very difficult to compare the 2020 income with 2019 because of Covid. The income grew. We understand and acknowledge the earlier point about the provision of services at the time, particularly for key workers. It was impacted by remote working and so on. We understand that. However, there was also feedback from women who said that they did not want to use public transport in the...

Ceisteanna ó Cheannairí - Leaders' Questions (20 Jan 2022)

Catherine Murphy: ...crisis. We know that inflation has surged by 5.5% and stands at a 21-year high. Families are struggling with basic necessities. It is getting more difficult for a very large number of people to put food on the table and at the same time heat their homes. An increasing number of households can no longer afford to do both. Every facet of daily life has been impacted. There have been...

Ceisteanna - Questions - Ceisteanna ar Sonraíodh Uain Dóibh - Priority Questions: Public Transport (16 Dec 2021)

Catherine Murphy: I am an advocate for public transport and improved services and I have been for as long as I have been involved in politics. There is no doubt some of the new services are working well. I can only look at the spine that I can see directly. There is no doubt some of it is working well but some of it is not working well at all. Some of the buses do not connect in terms of timetables. I can...

Appointment of Member and Chair of the Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission: Motion (15 Dec 2021)

Catherine Murphy: The debate is about the appointment of the new chairperson of GSOC. Like Deputy Howlin, I do not know Judge Rory MacCabe but wish him well in his new role. There is a lot of work to be done to realise the full potential of GSOC. Indeed, we will be talking about some changes in the new year. GSOC was not resourced properly from the get-go. We repeatedly hear that. GSOC does not have...

Health and Criminal Justice (Covid-19) (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 2021: Committee and Remaining Stages (8 Dec 2021)

Catherine Murphy: I will try to be brief. The point I want to make is about this debate and about scrutiny. There was a vote on waiving pre-legislative scrutiny. The Taoiseach told us this morning that it would take too long and the Minister went through what would be required to scrutinise every regulation. Where is the oversight? Where is Report Stage? We have 20 amendments. At best we will get to...

Health and Criminal Justice (Covid-19) (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 2021: Second Stage (3 Dec 2021)

Catherine Murphy: ..., we knew absolutely nothing about this virus. We did not know how it was spread or how quickly it was transmitted. Everyone in this House was on board when, shortly after, we were asked to pass emergency legislation. It was a global emergency and we all understood speed was of the essence. Human rights organisations flagged the importance of balancing public health measures and the...

Public Accounts Committee: 2020 Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General and Appropriation Accounts
Vote 9 - Revenue Commissioners
Chapter 12 - Controls over the Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme
Chapter 13 - Revenue's Management of Suspicious Transactions Reports
(2 Dec 2021)

Catherine Murphy: They could end up with quite a lot of debt because it is for a protracted period of time that this tax bill is being deferred. I presume reviews will be undertaken. Are there any plans with regard to the how this will work? Is it likely to be targeted or will it continue to be general?

Public Accounts Committee: 2020 Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General and Appropriation Accounts
Vote 33 - Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media
Chapter 7 - Oversight of Funding for the European Capital of Culture 2020
(25 Nov 2021)

Catherine Murphy: I am down to my last minute. We need to see a report on this from the Department. Are assets owned as a legacy of this? Who owns them? Did the model that was ultimately decided on work? Has the Department reviewed it? Is it likely that it will review the model, if we were to have another city of culture?

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