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Results 101-120 of 885 for likes to work speaker:Mattie McGrath

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Nursing Home Charges and Disability Allowance Payments: Statements (9 Feb 2023)

Mattie McGrath: ...had placed in the State. It was not the first time, and I am sure it will not be the last. Thankfully, the exposing of this issue by a whistleblower, Mr. Shane Corr, has resulted in it coming to light and shown the true extent of the charges and the impact they have had on the lives of patients. But for a whistleblower, where would we be? No matter how the Government dresses this up,...

Committee on Public Petitions: Public Petition on St. Brigid’s Hospital, Carrick-on-Suir (Resumed): Health Service Executive (9 Feb 2023)

Mattie McGrath: I welcome the witnesses and thank them for their engagement. I thank Ms Anne Walsh especially for her work on the services in Clogheen. We have been through all this with Clogheen hospital. It is a fabulous institution with significant local involvement. It is the sister hospital to Carrick-on-Suir. We saw what transpired there. Great people before me and political people insisted that...

Committee on Public Petitions: Public Petition on St. Brigid’s Hospital, Carrick-on-Suir (Resumed): Health Service Executive (9 Feb 2023)

Mattie McGrath: I would like to discuss that further with Ms Killeen White. There was a committee that organised it. Could any of them arrive up and say to get it? I am not sure how the mechanics of that will work. I will debate that with on another occasion Ms Killeen White.

Garda Síochána (Recording Devices) Bill 2022: Second Stage (Resumed) (2 Feb 2023)

Mattie McGrath: Okay, but it is happening under our eyes. It is happening in the Chair's county too, and mine. It was gardaí in the Chair's county who tried to get me locked up. Anyway, I know some Members here might like to see me locked up. Thanks be to God, everybody here has a good name. This legislation is worrying as well as everything else. The Irish Council for Civil Liberties, ICCL,...

Saincheisteanna Tráthúla - Topical Issue Debate: Employment Support Services (31 Jan 2023)

Mattie McGrath: It is only a few miles up the river. The Carrick-on-Suir Development Association, COSDA, is a wonderful organisation with great people involved with the business people. We have a wonderful network of schools, sporting clubs and everything else in Carrick-on-Suir. The spirit of the people cannot be questioned. They are willing to work and engage with the Minister of State in a...

Saincheisteanna Tráthúla - Topical Issue Debate: Employment Support Services (31 Jan 2023)

Mattie McGrath: I am glad the Minister of State, Deputy Richmond, is here to discuss this issue. In recent days, the announcement that the dairy company Corman Miloko, which employed 31 people at its manufacturing plant facility, is to close at the end of June came as devastating news for the families of those impacted, and the town of Carrick-on-Suir and surrounding areas. A statement by the company said...

Communications Regulation Bill 2022: Report and Final Stages (25 Jan 2023)

Mattie McGrath: I, too, have concerns about this legislation, including the fact that is it being passed so quickly when we might have issues with the situation of the high-risk vendor or whatever wording the Government wants to use. Deputy McNamara has been a practitioner in the courts and knows more about them than I do. I would not be as loud in my praise for the Judiciary as he is. That is his...

Human Tissue (Transplantation, Post-Mortem, Anatomical Examination and Public Display) Bill 2022: Second Stage (24 Jan 2023)

Mattie McGrath: I too am glad to have the opportunity to speak on the Bill. All present recognise that organ and tissue donation is a service that saves lives, improves the quality of life and has cost benefits for the health service. All Members know people who have had the benefit of organ donations. Indeed, my late uncle donated his body to medical science. There are many people who are affected in...

Statement by the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform (18 Jan 2023)

Mattie McGrath: I ask the Minister to come clean on this. He said on Sunday, and I heard him myself, that this was all done under darkness. I have photographs supplied to me showing that it was broad daylight, thankfully, with six men well clad in jackets. All they are missing is a "Paschal Donohoe No. 1" label on them. They did not have that in the photographs, so obviously they were hiding something....

Ceapachán an Taoisigh agus Ainmniú Chomhaltaí an Rialtais - Appointment of Taoiseach and Nomination of Members of Government (17 Dec 2022)

Mattie McGrath: I too want to wish every Minister and the Taoiseach the very best. I will not support them in the vote, if one is called, but I wish them well. As I said, during this holy season of Advent I wish a happy and peaceful Christmas to everybody in the House, including the staff and families at home. Today's announcement is a game of musical chairs, where the self-interest of every Government...

Water Environment (Abstractions and Associated Impoundments) Bill 2022: Committee and Remaining Stages (14 Dec 2022)

Mattie McGrath: We were all very complimentary earlier on tonight on the Bill regarding maternity and many other pieces of work that the Minister of State, Deputy Peter Burke, has done before he took over his position, but this is crazy. As I said last night to the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Deputy Darragh O’Brien, Deputy Fitzmaurice called them “Bills”, but I...

Gambling Regulation Bill 2022: Second Stage (6 Dec 2022)

Mattie McGrath: ...Regulation Bill, if enacted, will create significant changes in how gambling is regulated. In particular it will bring about some changes that are badly needed. It will establish a gambling regulatory authority of Ireland to ensure gambling is conducted in a fair and transparent manner. When I see regulators and regulatory authorities, I have questions. We have many of them in many...

Drugs Policy: Motion [Private Members] (30 Nov 2022)

Mattie McGrath: I am glad to speak on this motion. Setting up a citizens' assembly seems to be the fashionable thing to do for every issue. I do not believe in that. There is plenty of evidence available regarding drug use and abuse in our country. It is shocking and we all know it. Deputy Michael Collins mentioned O'Connell Street in Dublin, but I can go to towns and villages in my constituency and the...

Toll Charge Increases: Motion (Resumed) [Private Members] (29 Nov 2022)

Mattie McGrath: Gabhaim buíochas leis an nGrúpa Neamhspleách. I thank the Independent Group for giving us the extra time. This is another fine mess the Minister has got us into. As Minister for Transport when this broke, he showed no cop on, copped out and went to COP27. I heard the Tánaiste saying it was wrong and might not happen. I heard the Taoiseach say something similar but...

Energy Regulations: Motion (Resumed) [Private Members] (16 Nov 2022)

Mattie McGrath: We put down this motion in good faith and I am delighted to see the support it has got. Ar an gcéad dul síos, ba mhaith liom mo bhuíochas a ghabháil don iar-Sheanadóir Brian Ó Domhnaill agus do Mhairead san oifig for their research on this. It is quite a basic, simple, honest-to-God motion that ordinary people would recommend. I mean no disrespect to the...

Select Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform, and Taoiseach: Finance Bill 2022: Committee Stage (Resumed) (15 Nov 2022)

Mattie McGrath: ...the pond. That is fine. I am making the point that this is all stick and no carrot. While it might be a three or four-year lease, the Minister will know very soon from the Society of the Irish Motor Industry, SIMI, and many others that this will not work. The cost of living is a significant aspect of it but the infrastructure for those drivers is not there. The Chairman knows this as...

Criminal Justice (Incitement to Violence or Hatred and Hate Offences) Bill 2022: Second Stage (Resumed) (10 Nov 2022)

Mattie McGrath: Yes. I am just saying that other legislation was quietly parked without a word about it. That is only one area. We had significant public consultation and a huge effort by this Oireachtas to try to get that done. We are all happy when legislation is done and dusted. Maybe that is why we should have a review of all legislation. If it is not working because of the expense involved, what...

Credit Guarantee (Amendment) Bill 2022: Second Stage (Resumed) (9 Nov 2022)

Mattie McGrath: We are told the purpose of the Credit Guarantee (Amendment) Bill 2022 is to make amendments to the Credit Guarantee Act 2012 to support the needs of business to access additional finance. According to the Government, the creation of a Ukraine credit guarantee scheme is in response to economic difficulties resulting from the aggression by Russia against Ukraine. My goodness what will we call...

Public Transport: Motion [Private Members] (25 Oct 2022)

Mattie McGrath: ...leis an gCathaoirleach Gníomhach agus tá an ceart aige i gcónaí. I compliment Sinn Féin on this motion. It is very important one because of people with disabilities and people who are unable to access transport. When we talk about equal access and opportunities, we must bear in mind that these people are completely hindered. I support the bones of the motion...

Finance Bill 2022: Second Stage (Resumed) (25 Oct 2022)

Mattie McGrath: I am pleased to speak. In the short time available for me to speak on the Finance Bill, I am only going to be able to cover a fraction of the issues. I will certainly address the concrete levy because this is a farce. It is showing the white flag to the real perpetrators of that awful mica and pyrite crisis. Those perpetrators were the quarries. The Minister obviously has no appetite to...

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