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Joint Oireachtas Committee on Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs: Sustaining Viable Rural Communities: Discussion (Resumed) (23 Nov 2016)

Ciarán Cannon: I would like to ask the Irish Men's Sheds Association a question. I have had an exceptionally positive experience in working with those involved in some local men's sheds. What are the biggest challenges in establishing men's sheds in rural and urban communities? How can the machinery of the State - local and national - help them in overcoming these challenges?

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs: Sustaining Viable Rural Communities: Discussion (Resumed). (9 Nov 2016)

Ciarán Cannon: I thank all the representatives for taking the time to come here to make presentations to us this morning. I will respond with a quick overview of those presentations. I would say to the representatives from two banks, which, quite rightly, are described as our pillar banks, that we are approaching the end of what has been an exceptionally difficult period economically for the country. I...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Regional Development, Rural Affairs, Arts and the Gaeltacht: Estimates for Public Services 2016: Vote 33 - Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs (28 Sep 2016)

Ciarán Cannon: County Galway. The event in Athenry was of an extraordinarily high standard. Given the quality of the production and the performances, it was a world-class event that could have been taken on tour the following day to a number of locations across the globe and it would have represented Ireland in an exceptionally positive light in terms of our artistic and cultural heritage. I also...

Flooding: Statements (13 Jan 2016)

Ciarán Cannon: In the last 24 hours or so, we have heard phrases such as "aftermath" and "clean-up" being used liberally in the media to describe the flooding challenges pertaining at the moment. We are not even close to discussing the aftermath or clean-up in south Galway. We are still in an emergency as we speak. There are still approximately 30 families out of their homes, farmyards remain under water...

Topical Issue Debate: Schools Site Acquisitions (5 Nov 2015)

Ciarán Cannon: I thank the Minister of State, Deputy Deenihan, for coming in to discuss this matter. When the then Minister, Deputy Ruairí Quinn, announced what was perhaps one of the most significant capital building programmes ever announced by the Department of Education and Skills in early 2012, the fact that three schools in Athenry were included in the announcement was greeted with much relief...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Social Protection: An Chomhairle um Oideachas Gaeltachta agus Gaelscolaíochta: Cathaoirleach Ainmnitheach (7 Oct 2015)

Ciarán Cannon: ...Foras Pátrúnachta were in here a few months ago discussing the very same challenge, which is the challenge we face in retaining our language for the future. I recall one statistic. I may have it wrong, but perhaps Senator Ó Clochartaigh might know it. It was something along the lines that less than 50% of the children attending schools in Gaeltacht areas are now using...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Social Protection: Mathematics Learning Support: Irish Mathematics Learning Support Network (7 Oct 2015)

Ciarán Cannon: I thank the representatives from the network for their presentation. One observation occurred to me as I listened and it is something I do not get. Senator Ó Clochartaigh referred to it earlier. On one hand, people maintain that the ICT enhanced supports in place are not effective. Essentially, they are saying they do not work for individuals. On the other hand, they maintain...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Social Protection: Estimates for Public Services 2015: Vote 26 - Department of Education and Skills (30 Sep 2015)

Ciarán Cannon: There has been some incredible work done in the last three or four years on the replacement of prefabs across our whole school system. Our prefab rental bill has dropped from just under €40 million per annum to €25 million. We have replaced a huge number of prefabs across the country, at a time when resources were very limited. I say well done to the building unit and to...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Social Protection: ICT in Primary Schools: Discussion (6 May 2015)

Ciarán Cannon: The opportunity for young people that I mentioned, Mathletes, is run on the Khan Academy platform. The Khan Academy is free. It does not cost anybody anything. Mr. O'Leary was correct to point out that unless one has a suitable broadband connection it is nigh on impossible to make it function within the classroom setting but where it does, it is a powerful learning tool. We had a one...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Social Protection: Irish Language Education: Discussion (1 Apr 2015)

Ciarán Cannon: ...that have been made over the last hour or so. The challenges we face in nurturing the language in Gaeltacht areas and outside the Gaeltacht are two very distinct challenges. They present two unique sets of circumstances and require a unique response to each. I do not think the one-size-fits-all policy will work and it certainly does not seem to be working at this point in time. We...

Topical Issue Debate: Rural Transport Services (17 Feb 2015)

Ciarán Cannon: I thank the Minister of State, Deputy Michael Ring, for coming into the Chamber to discuss this issue. In December 2013 the then Minister of State with responsibility for public transport, Deputy Alan Kelly, a representative of the predominantly rural constituency of Tipperary North, introduced an innovative and far-sighted scheme to allow rural communities with a dearth of public...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Social Protection: Information Technology in Schools: Camara Ireland (28 Jan 2015)

Ciarán Cannon: First, I welcome Mr. John Fitzsimons and Mr. Steven Daly to Leinster House. I had the privilege of visiting Camara Ireland almost two years ago at its Chapelizod site. I am a huge fan of social entrepreneurship and these guys epitomise the very best of that sector. They are using resources that at times simply would be discarded and not used to anybody's great advantage. They are...

Seanad: Adjournment Matters: Tree Remediation (10 Jul 2014)

Ciarán Cannon: I thank Senator Landy for this opportunity to update the House on the current situation on chalara fraxinea, the disease otherwise known as ash dieback. I assure him that we in Galway intend to make significant use of ash for many years to come. The disease, which was identified for the first time in Ireland in October 2012 has, I regret to inform the House, spread throughout the country....

Strategic Banking Corporation of Ireland Bill 2014: Second Stage (10 Jul 2014)

Ciarán Cannon: That is not a problem. A stable and appropriate supply of credit to the SME sector promotes growth, encourages start-ups and enables incumbent firms to grow by taking advantage of trade and investment opportunities. It is accepted that regardless of the economic and financial cycle, there always will be structural problems in the market that constrain SMEs in accessing credit. This is a...

Topical Issue Debate: Education and Training Boards (3 Jul 2014)

Ciarán Cannon: I thank the Deputy for raising this matter and for giving me an opportunity to outline to the House the position regarding the delivery of training in Cavan and Monaghan from 2015 onwards. Through a series of Government decisions, it was decided to replace the 33 vocational education committees with 16 new entities, to be known as education and training boards or ETBs, and to establish SOLAS...

Seanad: Public Service Management (Transparency of Boards) Bill 2014: Second Stage (11 Jun 2014)

Ciarán Cannon: I would like to commence by saying how pleased I am to have this opportunity to address the House in respect of the Public Service Management (Transparency of Boards) Bill 2014 brought forward by Senator Quinn. At the outset, I would like to say that policy proposals from our colleagues to further improve the effectiveness of corporate governance in the public service are greatly welcomed....

Seanad: Adjournment Matters: Education and Training Provision (14 May 2014)

Ciarán Cannon: I thank Senator Moran for raising this matter on the Adjournment. As everyone is aware, significant reforms are ongoing at every level of the Irish education system, particularly in the further education and training area and in higher education. We are slowly but surely moving towards a closer alignment to the labour market based on evidence from all relevant stakeholders, including...

Seanad: Higher Education and Research (Consolidation and Improvement) Bill 2014: Second Stage (2 Apr 2014)

Ciarán Cannon: I, like many of the Senators who have contributed to this debate, would like to thank Senator Barrett for the work he has put into the drafting of this Private Members' Bill which seeks, among other things to consolidate third level legislation into a single Bill; provide for the establishment of a higher education and research grants committee which would decide upon all third level funding;...

Seanad: Reform of Further Education and Training: Statements (Resumed) (5 Mar 2014)

Ciarán Cannon: The Senator said that there needs to be a county-by-county focus on delivery at local level. That is exactly what the legislation underpinning the education and training boards has set out to do. It gives them the autonomy to be that granular in their own county, to determine what the skills shortages are in the particular region and to respond to them in an effective manner. Senator...

Seanad: Reform of Further Education and Training: Statements (Resumed) (5 Mar 2014)

Ciarán Cannon: ...they find exceptionally interesting. The reform of further education and training deserves the focus it is getting, having been conferred with a status under the SOLAS legislation. I thank Senator Power for her kind words on my attendance at the St. Pat's For All Parade. I congratulate her, Senator Bacik, and Deputies Buttimer and Halligan on the video they put up on YouTube the day...

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