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Results 81-100 of 457 for likes to work speaker:Charlie McConalogue

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Seanad: Sheep Sector: Statements (19 Apr 2023)

Charlie McConalogue: I thank the Acting Chairperson, Senator Cassells, and the many Senators who contributed to the discussion today including Senators Paul Daly, Boyhan, Lombard, Pauline O'Reilly, Boylan, McGreehan, Doherty, Murphy, Kyne and Ahearn. Many contributions showed a strong commitment to the sheep sector and many good suggestions were made. One of the lessons I will be taking away is that the next...

Written Answers — Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine: Forestry Sector (18 Apr 2023)

Charlie McConalogue: I propose to take Questions Nos. 1113 and 1114 together. The Deputy may be aware that the first confirmed finding of Ash Dieback Disease (Hymenoscyphus fraxineaus) in Ireland was made on 12 October 2012 at a forestry plantation site in County Leitrim which had been planted in 2009 with trees imported from continental Europe. In March 2013 the Department introduced a Reconstitution Scheme...

Irish Sheep Sector: Statements (30 Mar 2023)

Charlie McConalogue: Whether someone is a part-time or full-time farmer, and regardless of size or scale, no one can question the commitment and hard work of sheep farmers across the country. From lambing ewes in the middle of a stormy night to keeping the flock healthy and well over the spring and summer, it is hard work. In some instances, it is a labour of love. Overall, though, the sheep sector is a...

Written Answers — Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine: Forestry Sector (30 Mar 2023)

Charlie McConalogue: The Deputy may be aware that the first confirmed finding of Ash Dieback Disease (Hymenoscyphus fraxineaus) in Ireland was made on 12 October 2012 at a forestry plantation site in County Leitrim which had been planted in 2009 with trees imported from continental Europe. In March 2013 the Department introduced a Reconstitution Scheme (Chalara Ash Dieback) to restore forests planted under the...

Written Answers — Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine: Forestry Sector (30 Mar 2023)

Charlie McConalogue: I propose to take Questions Nos. 356 and 357 together. The Deputy may be aware that the first confirmed finding of Ash Dieback Disease (Hymenoscyphus fraxineaus) in Ireland was made on 12 October 2012 at a forestry plantation site in County Leitrim which had been planted in 2009 with trees imported from continental Europe. In March 2013 the Department introduced a Reconstitution Scheme...

Written Answers — Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine: Official Engagements (28 Mar 2023)

Charlie McConalogue: I have always operated an open-door policy when it comes to meeting with bodies and groups in the agriculture sector. All requests to meet stakeholders are reviewed on their individual merits. For representative organisations, my office normally likes to see that the group is on a solid footing and has a track record of longevity with records of its past AGMs, an organisation charter and...

Written Answers — Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine: Agriculture Supports (9 Mar 2023)

Charlie McConalogue: ...and inflation challenges facing our farm families as a result of Russia's illegal invasion of Ukraine. Over the past year or more, significant price rises have occurred primarily in the energy sector with natural gas and oil prices reaching record highs. These price rises have significant implications across all sectors, including the agri-food sector. In recent months these high natural...

Written Answers — Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine: Harbours and Piers (9 Mar 2023)

Charlie McConalogue: As the Deputy is aware I was in Ros an Mhíl Fishery Harbour Centre on 24th of February to mark the commencement of the works for the €30 million Deep Water Quay project. Also that afternoon, I met with local representatives at Ros an Mhíl where they set out a number of enhancements to the contracted project that they felt should be considered.While these were discussed at...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Climate Action: Climate Action Plan 2023: Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine (2 Mar 2023)

Charlie McConalogue: I cannot give an answer to that question because technological innovation and work on this are happening at the moment. Ideally we would like to see it explore the potential for slow release feed boluses to be able to work in grazing situations, where it is not necessarily-----

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Climate Action: Climate Action Plan 2023: Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine (2 Mar 2023)

Charlie McConalogue: The Senator is correct to say the diversification options include organics. She will, like me, have seen that the Minister of State, Senator Hackett, has done strong work in this regard. There has been a change in the interest levels among farmers, with farmers now seeing organics as a viable option and we are putting in the funding to back that. It is an important aspect and we are seeing...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Climate Action: Climate Action Plan 2023: Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine (2 Mar 2023)

Charlie McConalogue: We have a lot more work to do to establish our national position on rewetting. That work is under way and will form a key part of phase 2 of the land use review. Much of the scientific understanding and assessment that we are working off at the moment is international and is not specific to our own situation. We have to fully understand our own situation. Compared to other European...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Climate Action: Climate Action Plan 2023: Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine (2 Mar 2023)

Charlie McConalogue: I thank the Cathaoirleach and members for the invitation to discuss the agriculture contribution to Climate Action Plan 2023. I am joined in the room by Mr. Bill Callanan, chief inspector at the Department, Ms Edwina Love, head of climate, and Mr. Liam Brennan, inspector of climate. We are joined online by Mr. Fergus Moore, senior inspector in forestry, and Mr. Philip Blackwell,...

Written Answers — Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine: Forestry Sector (14 Feb 2023)

Charlie McConalogue: The Deputy will be aware that the Department has recently secured funding of €1.3 billion for the Forestry Programme 2023-2027. Subject to State Aid approval, this will support the biggest and best-funded Forestry Programme to date in Ireland. This funding provides unprecedented incentives to encourage the planting of trees that can provide a valuable addition to farm income and also...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine: Forestry Policy and Strategy: Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (25 Jan 2023)

Charlie McConalogue: I thank the Chair and the committee members for the invitation to today’s meeting. I am glad to be here with the Minister of State and her team, the departmental team and the forestry leadership team to discuss our forest strategy and the overall direction of forestry policy with members of the committee. We are discussing the Government’s approach to expanding, protecting...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine: Forestry Policy and Strategy: Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (25 Jan 2023)

Charlie McConalogue: I thank the Senator for his questions. On state-aid, I explained comprehensively at the briefing for all Oireachtas Members last week that we are engaging daily, as recently as today, with the Commission on preparing our application. I indicated at the Oireachtas meeting last week that it would likely take a month before we could make a formal application. Normally, the Commission takes...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine: Forestry Policy and Strategy: Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (25 Jan 2023)

Charlie McConalogue: I thank the Senator. I know what an advocate he has been for the sector over the past couple of years, and through the challenging times, to try get it on track and the constructive work he has done in that regard. As I said at the outset, we worked our way through an unprecedented crisis and we have got to a situation where we are getting towards equilibrium in licences. We now have it...

Written Answers — Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine: Forestry Sector (24 Jan 2023)

Charlie McConalogue: ...of State Hackett on 09 January 2023 addressing the concerns raised. The launch of the Forestry Programme 2023-2027 is a matter that is being taken very seriously by my Department and I would like to assure the Deputy that it is a matter of the highest priority. The Forestry Programme 2023-2027 is subject to an ongoing Strategic Environmental Assessment/Appropriate Assessment (SEA/AA)...

Written Answers — Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine: Agriculture Schemes (18 Jan 2023)

Charlie McConalogue: The map of the eight Co-operation Project (CP) zones was developed to facilitate the implementation of locally targeted and adapted agri-environment measures under the Co-Operation stream of the Agri-climate, Rural, Environment Scheme (ACRES).  An interdepartmental working group with representatives from my Department, the National Parks and Wildlife Service, EPA and...

Written Answers — Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine: Common Fisheries Policy (18 Jan 2023)

Charlie McConalogue: The Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) Regulation (Regulation EU 1380/2013) sets down the legal framework for the conservation and sustainable exploitation of fisheries resources.  Within this legal framework, I consistently work to support the interests of inshore fishers. I have strongly pursued the delivery of the restriction on larger vessels inside 6 nm, which is a commitment in our...

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