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Results 81-100 of 879 for his speaker:Joe O'Toole

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Seanad: Order of Business (19 May 2010)

Joe O'Toole: ...need to be discussed. We must consider why the Government has not moved on the issue. If we are to achieve independence in energy production, gas from the Corrib field must be brought ashore. This should be an issue of urgency, although I agree that Shell must comply with every single law we put in front of it. One of the issues blocking progress is the Government's refusal to proceed...

Seanad: Role of Broadcasting Authority of Ireland: Statements (18 May 2010)

Joe O'Toole: I welcome the Minister of State. One of the problems is that this debate reflects on the individuals we appoint to the board of the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland because it has become so narrow. I disagree with Senator Mooney, although I agree with much of what he said. I recall i rith na seachtaine seo caite bheith ag féachaint ar clár ar feadh uair a chloig, déarfainn, ar Fleadh...

Seanad: Public Service Agreement 2010-2014: Statements (13 May 2010)

Joe O'Toole: I welcome the Minister of State, Deputy Calleary, for this important debate. I wish to acknowledge the important contribution Fine Gael has made to this debate. It is difficult for the Opposition to indicate support for certain things, particularly when this can be interpreted - or misinterpreted - as being support for Government. Fine Gael's position reflects precisely that in which...

Seanad: Order of Business. (13 May 2010)

Joe O'Toole: It might be helpful if both of the main parties calmed down a little on this issue and earthed themselves into what is happening in the real world. The reality is that the discussion document from Europe is hardly an assault on our sovereignty. On the other hand, it is a bit rich for Fianna Fáil to describe Deputy Richard Bruton as a Eurosceptic or jingoistic; that is not his style. We...

Seanad: Code of Conduct for Civil Servants: Motion (12 May 2010)

Joe O'Toole: ...the motion and I welcome the Minister of State to the House. I will endeavour presently to build the bridge asked for by Senator Boyle. It is important to recognise there is nothing new about this and I support him in this regard. Some years back when I was working on a related matter, I looked at the Capitol Hill booklet which includes precisely this requirement. There must be a...

Seanad: Common Agricultural Policy: Statements (12 May 2010)

Joe O'Toole: ...Limerick ham and many other Irish products. There are, for example, many cheeses in Senator Prendergast's county - Cashel Blue is one - which are defined by their name. For the people of Cashel, this means Cashel Blue cannot be made in Dingle. It is more than an Irish commodity; it is about developing the infrastructure of the area, something we are bad at. I am not only interested in...

Seanad: Common Agricultural Policy: Statements (12 May 2010)

Joe O'Toole: I welcome the Minister and appreciate his comments. I go along with the points Senator Carty made. Since I became a Member of the House 23 years ago, time and again I have praised the work of various Ministers and a number of our Commissioners who fought hard to defend Irish agriculture. I hold the Irish Farmers' Association in great regard but I regularly say it should show more...

Seanad: Common Agricultural Policy: Statements (12 May 2010)

Joe O'Toole: This legislation has wrecked the beef industry in small towns all over Ireland. When the Minister and I were young, our mothers or grandmothers would send us to the local butcher to buy a piece of meat for the Sunday roast. The butcher would ask us to tell our mother that the meat came from a farm down the road owned by Brendan Smith who bought the calf from John Carty. While this may be...

Seanad: Order of Business (12 May 2010)

Joe O'Toole: Senator Fitzgerald, we need to engage with the facts. To do so, the Minister for Finance should first have a conversation with the Seanad about exactly where we stand, the budgetary outlook, his requirements, revenue predictions, growth and the budgetary preconditions to be met before we enter the Estimates process. Rather than beginning with a row on the issues which Senator...

Seanad: Order of Business (11 May 2010)

Joe O'Toole: ...and so on. I congratulate him and Ms Grainne Kenny who has done so much work on the issue and brought to our attention what was happening in eastern Europe. It is important to acknowledge that this step provide relief for many anxious parents and communities. I support the point made by Senator Fitzgerald on the need to look again at the Ryan and Murphy reports. I was astonished at the...

Seanad: Order of Business. (28 Apr 2010)

Joe O'Toole: ...only a matter of time before we look at retired teachers, gardaí or Army officers doing some extra work here and there. It is time leadership was shown on the issue. I am with the Taoiseach on this one: it is for people themselves to make their own personal decisions. Apart from this, I would like people to reflect on what we have done in politics. I would like the House to discuss...

Seanad: Banking: Statements. (27 Apr 2010)

Joe O'Toole: ...therefore, it did not come as a surprise we were not building them anymore. In the same way we have lost banking skills. The local bank manager in a small town knew the businessman who came into his or her office to seek a loan. He or she made an assessment of the risk and the value of the loan to the business. He or she made other assessments, including based on previous experience....

Seanad: School Staffing. (27 Apr 2010)

Joe O'Toole: I thank the Minister of State for attending the House to deal with this issue on behalf of the Tánaiste and Minister for Education and Science, with whom I have discussed it, as well as with her predecessor, Deputy Batt O'Keeffe. It concerns the system that operates when a school needs a teacher to cover for an absent teacher. A teacher may be absent for a variety of valid reasons,...

Seanad: Insurance Industry: Statements (1 Apr 2010)

Joe O'Toole: ...of the Personal Injuries Assessment Board. I was also very active on the joint committee which inquired into insurance a couple of years ago. I welcome the Minister of State and thank him for his important contribution. I do not intend to disagree with any of the significant points he made but wish to add to them. Since Governments made insurance a big issue - the Minister of State will...

Seanad: Order of Business. (31 Mar 2010)

Joe O'Toole: It ill behoves anybody to cast aspersions on anybody in the middle of all this. I perfectly understand the views of the Opposition parties. I recognise the responsibility of Ministers and other politicians in this regard. I recall that we welcomed the appointment of the new Governor and expressed trust and confidence in him. I recall that we welcomed the appointment of the new Financial...

Seanad: Lost at Scheme: Motion. (31 Mar 2010)

Joe O'Toole: I welcome the Minister of State and wish him well in his Ministry. I have no doubt he will make a significant input to it. I have been involved with this legislation since it was presented as a Bill and have seen it changed time and again. My interest in the issue is not driven by the actual events as much as by the way we are processing the matter. The Government amendment is the most...

Seanad: Lost at Scheme: Motion. (31 Mar 2010)

Joe O'Toole: ..., there was, equally, no mention of politics. It is not an issue for me whether someone did right or wrong. For me, the issue is that a process has been put in place to solve these issues. In this case, the process finished with the Ombudsman. It is interesting to look at how these things happen. Someone who runs into a difficulty with a Department appeals the Department's decision...

Seanad: Finance Bill 2010 (Certified Money Bill): Committee Stage. (25 Mar 2010)

Joe O'Toole: ...have examined the matter and there is an international discussion on it. The proposal is that there be a discussion, following a report, on the issue. I ask the Acting Chairman to reconsider his ruling on the recommendation.

Seanad: Finance Bill 2010 (Certified Money Bill): Committee Stage. (25 Mar 2010)

Joe O'Toole: ...after "yearly interest of money" of "and apart from any period payments made to a plaintiff by means of compensation or damages for any wrong or injury referred suffered by an individual in his or her person or in his or her profession", and (b) in section 613(1)(c) after "profession" insert ", whether by once-off lump sum or by way of periodical payment".". This is an issue I have dealt...

Seanad: Finance Bill 2010 (Certified Money Bill): Committee Stage. (25 Mar 2010)

Joe O'Toole: I regret the fact that the Minister has kicked it down the line. It is not that I do not have full confidence in Mr. Justice Quirke to deal with this matter. In fact, of all those involved in the Judiciary, he is the one I would be delighted to see deal with it because he has dealt with such cases. Much of the argumentation I have made to the Minister today comes from his comments from the...

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