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Results 61-80 of 150 for likes to work speaker:Cian O'Callaghan

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LGBTQI+ Equality: Statements (20 Jun 2023)

Cian O'Callaghan: I wish everyone going to attend Dublin Pride this Saturday a happy Pride. When I attended my first Pride, about 28 or 29 years ago now, there was no marriage equality, no discussion of marriage equality in the country and even no discussion of things like civil partnership. These things were not talked about. As others have noted, this was just a year or two after homosexuality had been...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Housing, Planning and Local Government: General Scheme of the Land Value Sharing and Urban Development Zones Bill 2022: Discussion (Resumed) (1 Jun 2023)

Cian O'Callaghan: I thank the witnesses for attending. They have made some strong and clear contributions, which is useful. They are almost making the case for not taking this type of approach at all to land value sharing, and saying it is an indirect approach, full of risks in how it could impact on the market. They are convincing me that a much more direct approach is needed, whereby we should go to the...

Historic and Archaeological Heritage Bill 2023 [Seanad]: Second Stage (Resumed) (27 Apr 2023)

Cian O'Callaghan: Before the debate was adjourned, I was making the point that according to the 2001 survey published by the Heritage Council, 34% of the State's archaeological monuments had been destroyed since 1840. The survey found the destruction was continuing at an alarming rate. Once a monument is destroyed, it is gone forever; it can never be brought back. We have seen such destruction in Wood Quay...

Rent Reduction Bill 2023: Second Stage [Private Members] (26 Apr 2023)

Cian O'Callaghan: The Social Democrats will certainly support this Bill proceeding to Committee Stage. The idea of Committee Stage is for Bills like this to be teased out and scrutinised. It is disappointing that while the Government criticises the Opposition for not tabling proposals, when the Opposition brings forward proposals and Bills such as this, the Government does not even want them to be discussed...

Vacant Homes Tax: Motion [Private Members] (19 Apr 2023)

Cian O'Callaghan: I move: That Dáil Éireann: notes that: — Ireland's housing crisis continues to have a devastating impact on people's lives and life choices; — bringing vacant homes back into use is one of the quickest and most sustainable ways to increase the supply of housing; — high levels of vacancy in homes around Ireland have been identified by the GeoDirectory, the...

Department Underspend and Reduced Delivery of Affordable Housing: Motion [Private Members] (18 Apr 2023)

Cian O'Callaghan: ...and will not unlock the potential of the more than 100,000 vacant homes we have across the country. Even with the open goal of vacant homes, the lack of seriousness in the whole-of-government approach to that signifies we are not seeing the kind of response we should see. About a year ago, the Minister was unequivocal that 2022 would be the year of delivery. He was clear it would be the...

Residential Tenancies (Deferment of Termination Dates of Certain Tenancies) Bill 2023: Second Stage [Private Members] (28 Mar 2023)

Cian O'Callaghan: simply a sticking plaster on the open wound of the housing disaster. Instead of treating that wound, the Government is abruptly ripping that plaster off, leaving thousands of people exposed to eviction and the threat of becoming homeless. I welcome the Bill and the Social Democrats will be supporting it. We would like to see a later date and, indeed, we believe lifting the ban on...

Eviction Ban: Motion [Private Members] (21 Mar 2023)

Cian O'Callaghan: I thank Deputy Ó Broin for tabling this motion. The Social Democrats will be supporting it. At this stage, I want to appeal to Government backbenchers. It is not too late for them to change their mind on this, do the right thing and vote in favour of this motion. In particular, the Green Deputies should show some backbone on this matter. I know there are no Green Deputies in the...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Housing, Planning and Local Government: General Scheme of the Planning and Development Bill 2022: Discussion (Resumed) (23 Feb 2023)

Cian O'Callaghan: I thank everyone for coming in. I want to ask more about section 5 and the new section 8 and the declaration on exempted development. Exempted development is a very important part of the planning process. Without it, everything has to go through the planning system, which is more resource intensive. It is, therefore, very important that people have confidence in exempted development and...

Eviction Ban Bill 2022: Second Stage [Private Members] (22 Feb 2023)

Cian O'Callaghan: I thank People Before Profit for bringing forward this Bill and for the work it has done on it. The Social Democrats will certainly be supporting it. It is notable that, when the Minister was speaking, he gave a long list of what has been done, while admitting that it is not sufficient, and a long list of criticisms of the Opposition but that a list of exactly what he and his Government are...

Housing and Evictions: Motion [Private Members] (21 Feb 2023)

Cian O'Callaghan: I thank Sinn Féin and Deputy Ó Broin for bringing forward this motion, which the Social Democrats are happy to support. On the eviction ban and the current situation with record homelessness and rents, we simply do not know from the Government what its plan is or what it is going to do. We have not heard from the Government. In fact, we have heard elements of the Government...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Housing, Planning and Local Government: General Scheme of the Marine Protected Areas Bill 2023: Discussion (26 Jan 2023)

Cian O'Callaghan: I thank the officials for appearing before the committee. I welcome this Bill. It is hugely important. I agree with Senator Boyhan about the four-week period for public consultation. By the time members of the public know the consultation is open and running, which takes a bit of time, the four weeks may be finished. It is four weeks on paper but it does not give people an opportunity at...

Select Committee on Housing, Planning and Local Government: Nagoya Protocol: Motion (19 Jan 2023)

Cian O'Callaghan: ...of public bodies acting in the public interest are one thing but private bodies with their own interests are another. How far will these obligations go for private bodies? Does this have to be worked out? I would like some insight into this.

Income Eligibility for Social Housing Supports: Statements (15 Dec 2022)

Cian O'Callaghan: I would return the good wishes of Happy Christmas to the Minister if he were still here. The Minister has a tendency to leave the Chamber during these debates before either I or Deputy Boyd Barrett speak. We do not take that personally. We merely note it. I will extend Happy Christmas wishes to all my other colleagues in the Dáil, and especially to all the staff who do tremendous...

Water Environment (Abstractions and Associated Impoundments) Bill 2022: Committee and Remaining Stages (14 Dec 2022)

Cian O'Callaghan: I do not think this is the way to do legislation. This Bill arises from the water framework directive that the European Commission adopted 22 years ago. It signalled in 1996 that it would bring forward such a directive. It does not make any sense for it to have taken this long for the State to bring forward this much-needed legislation, for us to have concluded our pre-legislative scrutiny...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Housing, Planning and Local Government: Implementing Housing for All: Discussion (Resumed) (13 Dec 2022)

Cian O'Callaghan: I thank the four approved housing bodies for their contributions and opening statements and for all the very good work they do. The previous discussion on numbers gives some idea of the scale of the operations, and the significant growth there has been in scaling up over the last number of years, which also presents particular challenges. I have a few questions, the first of which is for...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Housing, Planning and Local Government: Regulation of Providers of Building Works and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 2022 (Appointment of Registration Body) Order 2022: Minister of State at the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage (8 Dec 2022)

Cian O'Callaghan: Likewise, I strongly oppose the appointment of CIF to be the register. In his opening statement, the Minister of State referred to how, "Given the wider functions of the CIF, there are a number of safeguards in place". That latter statement on safeguards given the other roles of the Construction Industry Federation is not a position we should be in. I mean we should not appoint a body to...

Teacher Shortages: Motion [Private Members] (7 Dec 2022)

Cian O'Callaghan: ...complacency. I will talk about the housing aspect of this issue and how this is affecting the shortage and the crisis we have in teaching staff. It is not just affecting those in the education sector but key workers in healthcare and across our society. I will say one thing about the Minister of State's comments with regard to housing. People, teachers and other key workers who need...

Building Defects: Motion (Resumed) [Private Members] (6 Dec 2022)

Cian O'Callaghan: I join with others in welcoming everyone in the Gallery and everyone watching these proceedings. I wish to make several points, the first following on from where Deputy Ó Ríordáin finished in respect of ensuring this never happens again. This afternoon, we had representatives from the National Building Control and Market Surveillance Office, NBCMSO, the National Standards...

Declaration of a Housing Emergency: Motion [Private Members] (22 Nov 2022)

Cian O'Callaghan: Before I get into the substance of what I want to say, I will make two points about people objecting to housing. Of course, in a democratic system people have a right to put in planning submissions if they wish. For absolute clarity, the vast bulk of political representatives who submit objections to housing in my constituency are in Fianna Fáil. It is an absolute objective fact that...

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