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Results 661-680 of 36,764 for speaker:Enda Kenny

Order of Business (2 May 2017)

Enda Kenny: The Minister has also made available incentives for nurses to return home to work in Ireland. I do not accept the figure Deputy Butler mentioned that 85% of trained nurses coming out of the Irish system are emigrating. Some people will want to go abroad to work for experience, as all young people do. However, the situation is much better than it was-----

Order of Business (2 May 2017)

Enda Kenny: -----in respect of the opportunity and incentive for young nurses coming out of the system, who are very highly trained and are in demand to work in the Irish hospital system. The decision to which Deputy Cahill referred about the psychiatric bed situation in County Tipperary was made quite a number of years ago. It is a situation that can be worked out. If there is a new facility up the...

Order of Business (2 May 2017)

Enda Kenny: In respect of major pieces of infrastructure where a stream in income will be applicable-----

Order of Business (2 May 2017)

Enda Kenny: -----to pay for the loans, it will remove that element of capital from the Exchequer requirement which will allow for further works to be carried out. In addition to that, as the Deputy knows, the Government is planning for Ireland in 2030 and 2040-----

Order of Business (2 May 2017)

Enda Kenny: ----- with 1 million extra people and 500,000 extra houses. Where will they live and how will we transport them? What are the requirements for educational and medical facilities, and so on?

Order of Business (2 May 2017)

Enda Kenny: The Minister will keep the House updated on that.

Order of Business (2 May 2017)

Enda Kenny: It is a valid question. Obviously, on a number of occasions in the House the Minister has dealt with the issuing of prescriptions and treatment for particular ailments. Even if he were so willing he cannot under compassionate grounds issue an instruction for particular medicine to be distributed because it requires a prescription from an authorised clinical person. I read the account of...

Order of Business (2 May 2017)

Enda Kenny: The Minister for Health, Deputy Simon Harris, expects to come back to the Government in the next three to four weeks, with the issue of the national maternity hospital being the central focus. I want Deputy Louise O'Reilly to understand everybody here supports the women of Ireland, including expectant mothers and their babies, in having proper facilities. That is why we are proposing to...

Order of Business (2 May 2017)

Enda Kenny: If there are complications, people need to know that there will be a very good hospital adjacent to the maternity hospital to deal with them. Deputy Louise O'Reilly also asked if legislation would be brought to the floor of the House, but where else would one bring it?

Order of Business (2 May 2017)

Enda Kenny: If legislation is proposed by the Minister for Health, the Cabinet will approve the drafting of the heads and the Bill will go for pre-legislative scrutiny in the normal way, a change the Government brought about to facilitate Deputies such as Deputy Louise O'Reilly. Legislation will be brought to the House which is where legislation is debated, approved and passed.

Order of Business (2 May 2017)

Enda Kenny: This matter has been raised on a number of occasions in the period since the Minister for Finance indicated that it was the intention of the Government to test the market in respect of the sale of a portion of Allied Irish Banks, the vast majority of the shares of which are owned by the State. The windows for that are very evident and the Minister intends to proceed to deal with that. He has...

Order of Business (2 May 2017)

Enda Kenny: This arises every year because of the approval of a new drug for a specific or rare challenge that patients may experience throughout the country. Everybody is well aware now of the long and complicated process to deal with Kalydeco and Orkambi for cystic fibrosis patients throughout the country, which has been extraordinarily expensive. However, we cannot put a price on quality of life....

Leaders' Questions (2 May 2017)

Enda Kenny: The Deputy mentioned three people, namely, an 85 year old man, a 70 year old and a 62 year old. They are all people whom the Deputy knows, which is why he is raising the cases. The figures are very important. It is true to say the moneys given to the health Vote this year are higher than ever before, and responsibility for this has been transferred back into the Department for Health so...

Leaders' Questions (2 May 2017)

Enda Kenny: Deputy Healy-Rae raises three valid questions on cataracts, orthodontics and home help hours. He knows some of the people involved and that is why he is raising them. This is not confined to County Kerry and these challenges face the health service generally throughout the country. In respect of cataracts and orthodontic treatment, decisions are made by people who are qualified to make...

Leaders' Questions (2 May 2017)

Enda Kenny: The Minister has pointed out on a number of occasions in the House in reply to questions from Deputies Danny Healy-Rae and Michael Healy-Rae the improvements that have been made and the areas where cataract operations are being carried out in other hospitals also. We will get the figures for County Kerry for the information of Deputy Healy-Rae to see what the improvement there has been.

Leaders' Questions (2 May 2017)

Enda Kenny: The situation in respect of orthodontic treatment is nothing new. Issues of delay, in particular for young people who can be very sensitive about orthodontic requirements, arises every couple of years. All the orthodontic decisions are made by qualified orthodontists. The extensive waiting lists of the past have been reduced and there is a difference where it is a matter of carrying out a...

Leaders' Questions (2 May 2017)

Enda Kenny: I can confirm to the Deputy that the Minister has not received the report.

Leaders' Questions (2 May 2017)

Enda Kenny: I can confirm that the Government has not been presented with any initial draft assumptions on the report. I can confirm to the Deputy that when the report is received-----

Leaders' Questions (2 May 2017)

Enda Kenny: -----by the Minister, he will bring it to Cabinet, as the Deputy did with various other reports. It will be discussed by the Cabinet, decisions will be made and the report will be published and debated. I repeat that the Deputy's allegation of a dog whistle in respect of public service and public servants is false. This party, as a political party, and the Government, as a Government,...

Leaders' Questions (2 May 2017)

Enda Kenny: The article is an article in a newspaper. The Government and Minister have neither seen nor received the report. The Minister will receive it in due course and bring it to Cabinet where it will be debated and a decision will be made. It will be published and debated in the House. I do not deal in conjecture, as the Deputy knows.

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