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Seanad: Brexit: Motion (22 Nov 2018)

Ned O'Sullivan: ...will be my first contribution as Fianna Fáil spokesman on foreign affairs and Brexit. I join with the Acting Chairman in commending the Minister of State for her untiring efforts. I look forward to working with her for the good of the nation in the coming weeks and months. I welcome the debate. The Fianna Fáil Party will support the motion. The draft withdrawal agreement...

Seanad: Address to Seanad Éireann by Ms Deirdre Hargey, Lord Mayor of Belfast (8 Nov 2018)

Ned O'Sullivan: Cuirim fáilte Uí Cheallaigh roimh Ard-Mhéara Bhéal Feirste, Comhairleoir Hargey. Tréaslaím leis an Seanadóir Ó Donnghaile a chur an rún seo chun cinn. I welcome the mayor wholeheartedly to the Chamber and I compliment my colleague, Senator Ó Donnghaile, who put the matter forward in the first place. Such communication, conversation and...

Seanad: Order of Business (19 Sep 2018)

Ned O'Sullivan: I welcome back all my colleagues and staff as well. I had not planned to speak on the policing issue. I look forward to studying the report, which has been welcomed in principle by my party's justice spokesman, Deputy O'Callaghan. I echo what Senator Feighan stated in respect of supporting the Garda. It is incumbent on us as elected representatives, especially in the Oireachtas, to stand by...

Seanad: Road Traffic (Amendment) Bill 2017: Second Stage (10 Jul 2018)

Ned O'Sullivan: I will not take up anything like that amount of time. I welcome the Minister to the House. Clearly, this Bill has been thrashed out at excruciating levels in the Lower House, and I do not propose or anticipate that there would be a similar filibustering in this House. At least, it will not come from the Fianna Fáil side because we support the Bill. In fact, it was Fianna Fáil in...

Seanad: 25th Anniversary of Decriminalisation of Homosexuality: Motion (19 Jun 2018)

Ned O'Sullivan: I will not detain you, Acting Chairman. I did not prepare a speech but I wish to add my humble words. I commend Senator Nash on bringing forward this all-party motion. We are talking about apologies. We tend to think that apologies come from the State, this amorphous State. The apology has to come from the people. I was one of those people. I was brought up in a rural place in the...

Seanad: An Bille um an Séú Leasú is Tríocha ar an mBunreacht 2018: An Dara Céim - Thirty-sixth Amendment of the Constitution Bill 2018: Second Stage (27 Mar 2018)

Ned O'Sullivan: I ask the Minister to ensure there will no be further gaffes of this nature between now and referendum day should we agree to the motion. This is an important issue, on which the onus will be on the Government. Opponents of repeal will not be slow to seize on any unnecessary faux pasby the Minister or his Cabinet colleagues in the coming weeks. It seems that the people in question have...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on the Eighth Amendment of the Constitution: Completion of the Examination of the Report and Recommendations of the Citizens' Assembly and Preparation of a Draft Report in accordance with the Terms of Reference of the Joint Committee (13 Dec 2017)

Ned O'Sullivan: We will do our best to accommodate but I think we are getting a bit slack if I might put it like that. We have done a lot of work. I prefer to take five minutes to sort this out. I do not want to be voting on something just because it is a convenience.

Seanad: World AIDS Day: Statements (30 Nov 2017)

Ned O'Sullivan: I welcome the Minister of State to House and compliment her and her Department on the very good work that they are doing in this very important area. I agree with her that this debate will help highlight the problem of AIDS and it is hoped it will assist people to come forward and not be afraid of any stigma attached. We had a very pleasant session here just now as we complimented our...

Seanad: Order of Business (14 Nov 2017)

Ned O'Sullivan: A major anniversary of the signing of the Good Friday Agreement has just passed. A wonderful commemorative event took place last week when marvellous speeches were made by people like Mr. Seamus Mallon, Mr. David Trimble and my neighbour, Mr. Dick Spring. The late Albert Reynolds was, of course, notable by his absence. It was a great and joyous occasion but also an extremely sad one. Most...

Seanad: Order of Business (26 Sep 2017)

Ned O'Sullivan: ...that we have a collection Yeats's poetry outside in the atrium since he served as a Seanadóir and his son served as one of the Cathaoirleach's predecessors. I join the Cathaoirleach's words of congratulation to all those concerned in the project, to the Ceann Comhairle, the Office of Public Works, the National Museum board, the contractors, the Oireachtas staff and everyone involved....

Seanad: Order of Business (11 Jul 2017)

Ned O'Sullivan: I have two brief items to bring to the attention of the Leader. They both relate to tourism, which as Members know is a huge contributor to the economy. In today's edition of The Irish Times, I note that the mandarins in the Department of Finance have approached the Minister, Deputy Paschal Donohoe, with a proposal to abolish the 9% VAT rate in the hospitality sector. The 9% VAT rate has...

Seanad: Rugby World Cup 2023 Bill 2017: Second Stage (11 Jul 2017)

Ned O'Sullivan: Fianna Fáil is 100% behind Ireland's bid for the Rugby World Cup in 2023 and we will support all Stages of the Bill, despite the less than satisfactory manner in which it has been presented to us, particularly the lateness of it and the rushed nature of its passage. As the Minister said, we are at the third stage of the process, which requires a number of Government guarantees and...

Seanad: Commission of Investigation Announcement on Tuam Mother and Baby Home: Statements (9 Mar 2017)

Ned O'Sullivan: I welcome the Minister to the House. Like everybody else in the House and across the country, I am greatly saddened and upset at the revelations in Tuam. The treatment of young mothers and their children defies belief. It is chilling and horrendous. My sympathy is with the families concerned and my hope is that they will gain some solace from the huge outpouring of support they have...

Seanad: Tourism Industry: Motion (8 Mar 2017)

Ned O'Sullivan: I welcome the Minister to the House. Fianna Fáil will be supporting the motion. The Minister must be glad to have an opportunity to discuss a good news item like tourism. It is a rest from his travails with some of the more difficult elements of his brief. Although we have a lot to be thankful for in tourism, the Minister will know that we cannot for one moment become complacent or...

Seanad: Address to Seanad Éireann by Ms Nicola Sturgeon (29 Nov 2016)

Ned O'Sullivan: As the Cathaoirleach stated, this is an important and historic occasion for both of our nations and the House. The First Minister's predecessor, Edward the Bruce, came to Ireland almost exactly 700 years ago and was acclaimed as the last High King of Ireland by our Irish chieftains. There was a sorry outcome to that because, unfortunately, he lost his head - literally - approximately a year...

Seanad: Transport, Tourism and Sport: Statements (16 Nov 2016)

Ned O'Sullivan: I will battle on. I will hit three or four points regarding sport. Obviously, we are supportive of the Rugby World Cup 2023 project. I am delighted to see my fellow Kerryman and old sparring partner, Mr. Dick Spring, being positive on that front, and I am sure that the Leas-Chathaoirleach is as well. We wish the project well and will do everything that we can to land it and get it over...

Seanad: Order of Business (10 Nov 2016)

Ned O'Sullivan: I echo the sentiments expressed by Senator Ó Ríordáin. I was not here yesterday, but we woke up to a very worrying world with the election of Donald Trump as President of the greatest democracy in the world. When I went to school I studied Greek. The word "democracy" comes from the Greek words demosand kratos, meaning the voice of the people, and the concept originated in...

Seanad: National Tourism Development Authority (Amendment) Bill 2015 (Certified Money Bill): Second Stage (10 Nov 2016)

Ned O'Sullivan: Cuirim fáilte roimh an Aire Stáit. I commend the Minister of State on his work in the Department, which he is undertaking with a great degree of success, in fairness. We support the Bill. As the Minister of State has said, it is an enabling provision. We have to make provision for additional funding if and when it becomes necessary. We have no problem with that. I do not have...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport, Tourism and Sport: Tourism and Competitiveness Strategy: Discussion (9 Nov 2016)

Ned O'Sullivan: I apologise for arriving late. I welcome the witnesses and commend everyone involved in one of the success stories of the economy. As a Kerryman, I note the huge importance of tourism to my county. I am sure the witnesses are well aware of the recent launch of the Kerry county tourism strategy plan, which is fantastic. I was at the launch in St. John's in Listowel. The document is a...

Seanad: Order of Business (27 Oct 2016)

Ned O'Sullivan: ...It seems that this financial matter should be in the public domain. From what I understand, there will be a clamour for that gathering. I suggest that the Committee of Public Accounts inquire into this matter or that the Minister for Finance, Deputy Noonan, come before this House to explain how these tax cutbacks work. Who puts a value on the artefacts, papers and portfolios of...

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