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Results 41-60 of 249 for likes to work speaker:Seán Sherlock

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Mother and Baby Institutions Redress Scheme: Motion [Private Members] (19 Oct 2022)

Seán Sherlock: ...her running of proceedings and keeping us all on time. I support the motion and am glad it has been tabled by the Social Democrats. I note the motion put forward by that party on 24 February 2021, to which the Labour Party tabled an amendment relating to medical cards. The amendment was accepted and the motion, as amended, agreed to by the House. The amendment called on the Government...

Community and Voluntary Sector Workers: Motion [Private Members] (12 Oct 2022)

Seán Sherlock: I always read the Minister's speech at this point in these proceedings because I believe it is important. In most cases, one comes in here with a pre-prepared speech but it is important to parse the words of the Minister and to seek to interpret them. His speech states: Government is acutely aware that while public servants had FEMPI reversed and are due to receive further pay rises under...

Insurance Reform: Statements (22 Jun 2022)

Seán Sherlock: I thank Deputy Nash for sharing his time. I wish to refer to flood alleviation works and the challenges people face when they seek to purchase insurance in areas where Office of Public Works, OPW, flood mitigation projects have already been completed. I specifically refer to the Munster Blackwater in towns like Fermoy and Mallow, as well as places in Cork city where we do not yet have full...

Respite Care Services: Motion [Private Members] (22 Jun 2022)

Seán Sherlock: Before the Minister of State, Deputy Butler, leaves, I wish to acknowledge that both she and the Minister of State, Deputy Rabbitte, to be fair to them, have gone out and met the people involved and tackled these issues head on and they are not sitting behind their desks in their Departments. On that basis, before she leaves, I want to acknowledge the work she is doing. I also raise the...

Select Committee on Children and Youth Affairs: Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) (Amendment) Bill 2022: Committee Stage (14 Jun 2022)

Seán Sherlock: I will withdraw my amendments with leave to resubmit them. I have an impression that when we legislate, we create obligations on institutions and agencies like IHREC. My concern is that we have another piece of legislation here and the Minister is saying IHREC will have a key role in monitoring the working of that legislation. What we do not have sight of is whether the Decision Support...

Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) (Amendment) Bill 2022: Second Stage (1 Jun 2022)

Seán Sherlock: There is a certain conflict going on in my mind in respect of this Bill because while one is minded to support it, the fact is that so much appears to be left out or has not come under greater scrutiny prior to its publication and promulgation here within the House. Members feel they are being rushed into supporting legislation they believe may not adequately address the entirety of the...

Living Wage Bill 2022: Second Stage [Private Members] (11 May 2022)

Seán Sherlock: I welcome the publication of this Bill in the name of Deputy Bacik. I congratulate my colleagues for bringing forward this Bill and those who worked on it within our team on the Labour benches. It is worth reiterating what the Bill sets out to do. I welcome the fact that the Minister of State said the Government is not opposing it at Second Stage. In Ireland, approximately 380,000...

Rising Rental Costs: Motion [Private Members] (4 May 2022)

Seán Sherlock: I thank the Minister. I want to put it on the record that I asked him about this scheme on 5 April and I received a reply from him today. I asked the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage if he will report on a new Croí Cónaithe fund under Housing for All to increase owner-occupier apartment developments in city centres. I know it is a city-focused scheme. In his...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine: Afforestation and the Forestry Sector: Discussion (13 Apr 2022)

Seán Sherlock: I am delighted to have the opportunity to address the committee and I am also thankful to you, Chairman, and the members of the committee for the work to date on forestry given that it feeds so much into the global agenda of climate action. I think we all agree on that. It must be acknowledged that this committee is giving a significant priority to forestry issues in a way that I have never...

Vacant Properties: Motion [Private Members] (6 Apr 2022)

Seán Sherlock: I support the motion. I wish to refer to Question No. 688, which I tabled on 5 April to the Minister for Health, in which I asked him if he would report on the Housing for All plan for an amended fair deal scheme to remove disincentives for sale and rental of vacant properties. The question was answered by the Minister of State, Deputy Butler. It states: My Department is actively...

Services for Children with Disabilities: Motion [Private Members] (29 Mar 2022)

Seán Sherlock: I welcome the motion, which we will absolutely support. I note that the Government is not going to oppose it. If I may, I will quote directly from my copy of the Minister of State's speech. When talking about making the services more effective and the CDNTs, he referred to what the Minister of State, Deputy Rabbitte, has said, which is that: ...the HSE’s messaging around this has...

Rising Energy Costs: Motion [Private Members] (22 Mar 2022)

Seán Sherlock: I welcome the opportunity to speak on this motion. Just today, I spoke to a 94-year-old man who, with his wife, is in receipt of an occupational pension. They do not pass the means test for the fuel allowance. Last week, I spoke with a couple of retirement age who have a combined working life of 84 years between them, and they do not fulfil the criteria for the fuel allowance. The common...

Public Accounts Committee: Mental Health Services - Financial Statements 2020 (10 Mar 2022)

Seán Sherlock: On the accountability mechanism, consider what happens when a mere mortal like me, who represents the people of Cork East, submits a parliamentary question on CAMHS, as I did in January when I sought information on the number of persons waiting to be seen by CAMHS by local health office, in tabular form, and the length of time persons were waiting to be seen. It was a very simple question...

Public Accounts Committee: 2020 Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General and Appropriation Accounts
Vote 34 - Housing, Local Government and Heritage
(17 Feb 2022)

Seán Sherlock: It was 2021. We are factoring in Covid-19. We know there will be a drop-off so the officials do not need to respond to that. That is a given and that is understood, but the number of prohibition notices that have been served out of those inspections is 15. Even if we track back, taking into account Covid-19, in 2018, approximately 28,000 inspections were carried out with 99 prohibition...

Ceisteanna ar Sonraíodh Uain Dóibh - Priority Questions: Forestry Sector (10 Feb 2022)

Seán Sherlock: I thank the Minister for her answer. The announcement of a target of 1,040 licences for 2022 indicates to me that the forest service has abandoned the target of planting 8,000 ha this year. Tracking back over the numbers from recent years, the issuing of 1,040 licences would result in the planning of only 4,000 ha. I am not convinced, as the Minister of State is, that all of the...

Public Accounts Committee: 2020 Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General and Appropriation Accounts
Vote 29 - Environment, Climate and Communications
National Broadband Plan Expenditure and Related Matters
(10 Feb 2022)

Seán Sherlock: The articulation of all of this for Deputies like me, who represent both urban and rural constituencies, is that we have villages and townlands that are being split down the middle. The only way I can articulate my point is by giving a practical example and that is the village of Ballyhooly, in north County Cork. Typical of every small village throughout the country, it is quite literally...

Public Accounts Committee: 2020 Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General and Appropriation Accounts
Vote 29 - Environment, Climate and Communications
National Broadband Plan Expenditure and Related Matters
(10 Feb 2022)

Seán Sherlock: ...was an expectation - Mr. Hendrick can tell me if it is not a legitimate expectation - that there would be a more timely intervention in those areas where there are serious gaps. I refer again to Ballyhooly, because as far as I am concerned it is a ground zero for every village of a similar type. There was an expectation that there would be a realisation of the commercial realities, but...

Public Accounts Committee: 2020 Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General and Appropriation Accounts
Vote 29 - Environment, Climate and Communications
National Broadband Plan Expenditure and Related Matters
(10 Feb 2022)

Seán Sherlock: ...full well the significance of the NBP. We also understand the deficit which exists in respect of the provision of the broadband service. I think that is self-evident, and I do not think we need to be reminded of it. I am, however, concerned about the standard of replies that my office receives when contact is made via the dedicated email address for representations to NBI. I would like...

Public Accounts Committee: Business of Committee (3 Feb 2022)

Seán Sherlock: We can anticipate that there will be an exponential increase in the types of works. New technologies are constantly emerging, which may necessitate the need for a permanent and fixed venue or venues, but we do not have a permanent and fixed venue now. It is on a leasehold basis. I will take advice from the Chairman and the secretariat, as I wish to pursue this matter further. Forgive me...

Public Accounts Committee: Business of Committee (3 Feb 2022)

Seán Sherlock: -----and allocating it to An Taisce, which I understand is essentially a membership organisation. When we look at the delivery of the programmes I referenced, we can see they are excellent programmes and we are very lucky to have an organisation like An Taisce to deliver them. I just wanted to seek clarity on that. Based on the correspondence, it seems individual line Departments are...

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