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Results 21-40 of 51 for 5 million speaker:Paul Murphy

Planning and Development (Amendment) (First-Time Buyers) Bill 2019: Second Stage [Private Members] (27 Nov 2019)

Paul Murphy: I am sharing my time with Deputy Barry. There is an horrendous housing crisis. It is a crisis of massive unaffordability. Half a million young people are stuck at home unable to afford to move out. We are aware that over 10,000 people are homeless. This is a significant understatement because of the cooking of the books by the Minister. There are those who face rent increases, with the...

Ceisteanna ó Cheannairí - Leaders' Questions (21 Nov 2019)

Paul Murphy: ...a divine and constitutional right to maximise their profits. Those who benefit from the Government's ideology are extremely obvious. Last year, landlords received record rents of €13 billion. This was up from €5.5 billion in 2009. The largest corporate landlord in Ireland, Ires REIT, paid nothing in corporation tax last year on profits of €120 million....

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform, and Taoiseach: Finance (Tax Appeals) (Amendment) Bill 2019: Discussion (30 May 2019)

Paul Murphy: The second half of the Bill seems to be more substantive. Can the witnesses outline the rationale for increasing the threshold for a prospectus from €5 million to €8 million?

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform, and Taoiseach: Finance (Tax Appeals) (Amendment) Bill 2019: Discussion (30 May 2019)

Paul Murphy: The EU regulations set a minimum threshold of €1 million and no country can legislate for a prospectus requirement for companies below that figure, while the maximum is €8 million. We had €5 million and it is now proposed to increase it to the maximum. The British Government changed it to the maximum of €8 million in July last year. Was that a factor in the...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform, and Taoiseach: Finance (Tax Appeals) (Amendment) Bill 2019: Discussion (30 May 2019)

Paul Murphy: According to the figures that are online, the mode is €5 million. Approximately 12 states have a threshold of €5 million, including Germany, which is not subject to a very small market, as well as Austria, Belgium, and other states with large economies. Why does it make sense for Ireland to increase its threshold to €8 million when the likes of Germany are staying at...

Gnó Comhaltaí Príobháideacha - Private Members' Business - Petroleum and Other Minerals Development (Amendment) (Climate Emergency Measures) Bill 2018: Motion (26 Mar 2019)

Paul Murphy: ...end and they are going to be restricted. It is a microcosm of the more general problem. The science is clear. The latest IPCC report stated that we have 12 years to avoid global warming going over 1.5°C. That is now less than 11 and a half years. After that, another 0.5°C increase would have absolutely devastating consequences such as sea level rises affecting 10 million...

Ceisteanna ó Cheannairí - Leaders' Questions (5 Mar 2019)

Paul Murphy: ...a worldwide movement of school student strikes and protests demanding action on climate change. At the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC, conference in Poland, she stated:For 25 years, countless people have come to the UN climate conferences begging our world leaders to stop emissions and clearly that has not worked as emissions continue to rise. So I will not beg the world...

Financial Resolutions 2019 - Budget Statement 2019 (9 Oct 2018)

Paul Murphy: ...budget. They remain completely wedded to the idea of incentivising the private market to provide housing through a massive transfer of wealth to private landlords through HAP and an additional €120 million provided for in this budget. This is the equivalent of 700 public homes on public land every single year. The Government likes to pretend it is prudent and gives out about how...

Topical Issue Debate: Redundancy Payments (14 Dec 2017)

Paul Murphy: ...State at the Department of Finance is available to deal with these queries, which are directed at the Minister. Capita holds extremely lucrative State contracts that are currently worth €140 million, which is a significant amount of money. It forms part of a small minority of rogue employers that are prepared to disregard the State's industrial relations machinery. Some 95% of...

Permanent Structured Cooperation: Motion (7 Dec 2017)

Paul Murphy: ...and as was outlined in a resolution of the European Parliament on PESCO. That will mean a massive expansion in so-called Irish defence spending. It will mean increasing it from approximately €900 million to €3.6 billion. That is what the Government is signing the country up to when it could do other things with that public money. It could instead build 24,000 houses to...

Select Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform, and Taoiseach: Finance Bill 2017: Committee Stage (Resumed) (9 Nov 2017)

Paul Murphy: I move amendment No. 53: In page 42, after line 36, to insert the following: “CHAPTER 7 Millionaires’ Tax30. (1) The Minister shall, within 6 months of the passing of this Act, bring a report on additional revenue that would be raised by introducing a Millionaires’ Tax of 2 per cent on net wealth exceeding €1 million. (2) The Minister shall, within 6 months of...

Financial Resolutions 2018 - Financial Resolution No. 4: General (Resumed) (11 Oct 2017)

Paul Murphy: ...about how the budget and the Minister for Finance could be characterised in a way that is memorable for people. Initially, the idea of Paschal the Pennypincher came up because the increase of €5 a week, which is really less than €4 over the course of a year, will be taken away before people even get it. The Government has performed tricks, for example, with mental health...

Financial Resolutions 2018 - Budget Statement 2018 (10 Oct 2017)

Paul Murphy: ...that it has constructed, a reality that this budget will go further in constructing? It is a republic that can be summed up by "inequality". It is a society in which the richest 10% of the population controls 54% of the net wealth, leaving just 5% for the bottom 50%. It is a republic of inequality where the Government has driven a transfer of wealth and a shift from wages to profits and...

Pre-European Council: Statements (14 Dec 2016)

Paul Murphy: ...the European Council would agree with the defence conclusions and the joint EU-NATO declaration. All of those are aimed at further militarisation and war. The establishment of the European defence fund of €500 million a year will be invested in research in arms and €5 billion for procurement. EU military headquarters, permanent structured co-operation, deeper integration...

Finance Bill 2016: Report Stage (22 Nov 2016)

Paul Murphy: with a new high income social charge which would apply the current marginal rates of USC on income over €90,000 which, according to the Minister for Finance, Deputy Michael Noonan, would raise €750 million, together with the introduction of new higher marginal rates of income tax on income over €100,000 with a number of bands - €100,000 to €140,000 at...

Finance Bill 2016: Report Stage (22 Nov 2016)

Paul Murphy: ...the approach of the Government - Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael - by saying we want to have an environment that is pro-investment and that it would send the wrong signals to even have a study about a millionaire's tax. In effect, what is contained in that statement is the core strategy of the establishment political parties in this country economically, which is about a strategy of being...

Finance Bill 2016: Report Stage (22 Nov 2016)

Paul Murphy: I move amendment No. 1:In page 5, between lines 14 and 15, to insert the following: “CHAPTER 2 A Millionaire’s Tax on WealthStudy on Introduction of a Millionaire’s Tax on Wealth 2. The Minister for Finance is to order a study to be carried out on introducing a millionaire’s tax on net assets exceeding €1 million and is to report to the Dáil within...

Select Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform, and Taoiseach: Finance Bill 2016: Committee Stage (9 Nov 2016)

Paul Murphy: I move amendment No. 1:In page 5, between lines 14 and 15, to insert the following: "CHAPTER 2 A Millionaire’s Tax on WealthStudy on Introduction of a Millionaire’s Tax on Wealth 2. The Minister for Finance is to order a study be carried out on introducing a millionaire’s tax on net assets exceeding €1 million and is to report to the Dáil within six months...

Finance Bill 2016: Second Stage (Resumed) (26 Oct 2016)

Paul Murphy: ...for some time, but nothing has been done to provide social housing. This is the only way the crisis will be addressed, yet the budget did not contain anything beyond minimal measures. The additional 1,500 houses provided for are a drop in the ocean. We should contrast this with the two main thrusts of the Finance Bill, namely, a builder's grant dressed up as a first-time buyer's...

Financial Resolutions 2017 - Budget Statement 2017 (11 Oct 2016)

Paul Murphy: Unemployed young people will receive an increase of €2.70 in the jobseeker's allowance, not the €5 by which the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Deputy Paschal Donohoe, stated it would rise, not the €226 extra per week Ministers will receive and not the €104 extra per week Deputies will receive. The Minister did not make any reference to the...

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